We will make an appointment for you, so it will be faster. As soon as we make it, we will contact you. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Step 3. Submit fingerprints in the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Migration Department for Tomsk Regionwithin 90 days upon arrival and AFTER medical check up. We will make an appointment for you, so it will be faster. As soon as we make it, we will contact you.
To register, foreign citizens are requested to bring the following documents: · registration and migration card; · passport · a translation of your ID (passport) certified by a notary. The certified translation is not needed if the ID has identity information in the Russian language; · a medical certificate issued no later than one month ago. Upon completion of fingerprint registration, you will be issued a laminated form (card) with a photo image and identification data. Mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing are carried out by the Internal Affairs once, free of charge, regardless of the number of entries to /exits from the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens who fail to undergo mandatory state fingerprint registration, photographing and (or) medical examination, are subject to shortening the period of their temporary stay in the Russian Federation.