Guide for TSU international studentsGuide for TSU international students on submitting fingerprints and photographs for identification
International students arriving in Russia after 29. 12. 2021 for a long-term stay, excluding citizens of the Republic of Belarus, must undertake the following steps: Step 1. Register at the place of arrival (Federal Law No. 109-FZ of 18. 07. 2006 (amended on 24. 02. 2021) On Migration Registration of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation). After the registration, a medical examination (Step 2) and fingerprint registration and photographing (Step 3) are required. All procedures must be completed within 90 days after arrival in the Russian Federation. Step 2. Undergo a medical examination including chemical and toxicological tests for narcotic, psychotropic, other toxic substances and infections that pose a danger to others (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1079 of 19. 11. 2021) in a licensed medical center:
1) «Здоровый Я»/Zdorovyj YA (multipurpose medical center). Address: Tomsk, Irkutskij Trakt 15, building (stroenie) 1. Visiting time: Tuesday, March 15 from 08: 00 OR Thursday, March 17 from 08: 00, this is the time that the medical center has allocated only for TSU students from far abroad, so that the medical examination is quick, an employee of the international office will help you. Price: 5 000 Rub. 2) Томский фтизиопульмонологический медицинский центр/Tomskij ftiziopul'monologicheskij medicinskij centr Address: Tomsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya Street 68. Working hours: weekdays from 9: 00 to 17: 00. here you will have to undergo a medical examination on your own in the general queue, it can be long, take this into account when planning your day! To make an appointment, please, call 60-77-78. Price: 3 900 Rub. If the organization allows, we recommend making an appointment for the medical examination. To undergo a medical examination, foreign citizens are requested to bring the following documents: · an identity document; · a migration card; · a proof of registration from Step 1.
The medical examination includes tests for infections ( HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis), tests for narcotic, psychotropic and other toxic substances, specialist examinations (infectious disease specialist, psychiatrist-narcologist, phthisiologist, dermatovenerologist), lung fluorography.