CONCLUSION ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2
Bats do not build shelters for themselves, they use shelters created by nature or man. By convention, all species of bats of the Crimean Peninsula are divided into three groups: those who have mastered ground buildings, those who settle in tree hollows and those who live in dungeons. Flying creatures are found everywhere, except in the highlands and polar latitudes. They do not tolerate loneliness, only some individuals prefer to fly without an escort. The main part is formed in large groups. Some species live in dungeons all year round, while others settle in them only for the winter period, in the summer they are located in hollows or attics. Despite the fact that there are a great many caves on the peninsula, not all of them are suitable for bats.
Bats go into hibernation. Winter sleep for bats is a saving of vital energy. To provide themselves for the winter, they already accumulate fat from the end of summer, which they then spend sparingly during the cold period, for several months. 3 In warm dungeons or other shelters (in attics, in tree hollows) in late spring, the females form brood, or maternal, colonies, in which the young are born in early summer. The mother colonies of some species may number several hundred or even thousands of individuals. In the summer, males often live alone or form a " bachelor" of the colony. Bats only bring in one or two cubs once a year. Birth in all our species occurs in the first half of summer. During childbirth, females usually cling with all four limbs to the vault of the shelter. After being born, the cub falls into the mother's tail membrane, which is folded into a bag. The female carefully licks the baby, and he tries to get to his mother's milk as quickly as possible. By its squeak and smell, a mother can unmistakably recognize her cub among thousands of others. The first days after giving birth, bat mothers do not even fly out to hunt, staying around the clock with newborns, who are located on the mother's abdomen, firmly grasping her fur.
4 Benefit: Bats are natural regulators of hundreds of insect species, including pests of agriculture and forestry. Recently, scientists have found that with a large number of bats, you can not even use pesticides. Most species of small animals are quite plastic in their diet, and as soon as a breeding ground of insects appears somewhere, the flying " rescuers" immediately go there to return the situation to normal. Benefit: Bats are very important for science, especially when it comes to studying ultrasound and echolocation. Harm: Bats are carriers of rabies, some deadly viruses and infections. Infection may or may not occur from a bite. However, the bats themselves do not attack people, so if they are not forced to defend themselves, they do not pose a danger to humans. Harm: From the mass of the presence of bats are affected not only the country towns, and urban dwelling. They do not pose a physical danger to humans. Bites are an exception. Another of the unpleasant moments - the defecation of bats is harmful to human health. Inhaling such odors, a person has every chance of getting sick. There is no need to talk about a full-fledged sleep at all. Rustling and squeaking will deprive you of peace and rest at night.
5 CONCLUSION Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Bats have well-developed forelimbs, which consist of strong short shoulders and long forearms. Bats " see" with their ears. The word " mouse" is the only thing that unites these animals with ordinary mice. Bats live up to 20 years — which is quite a long time for animals of this size. Bats also use echolocation during hunting, and they can detect a tiny mosquito from a distance of several meters. During the day, they hide in caves, tree holes, attics and other shelters, and in the evening they fly out to hunt. Bats are extremely useful animals that protect crops and gardens from insect pests. They do the same job as insectivorous birds during the day, while covering those species that are active at night. With the onset of autumn, some species of bats fly to warmer climes, like swallows, flying up to 2000 km; others winter in the Crimean caves. In the Crimea, bats were found in numerous caves, catacombs and other dungeons-all over the peninsula, of various species and in numbers of up to several thousand individuals. Today, the bats of the Crimea are not threatened by human superstitions, no, they suffer from our ignorance. The few large colonies of bats that have survived on the peninsula are of enormous value and are registered with zoologists. All species of bats of the Crimea are extremely vulnerable and subject to protection. To date, all known in the past cave accumulations of bats on the peninsula have decreased by 10-100 times or completely disappeared.
6 ИСТОЧНИКИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ: Крымский познавательный журнал «Полуостров сокровищ» №8. https: //ps-crimea. com/2019/03/16/рукокрылые-жители-крыма/ https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Летучие_мыши https: //fishki. net/3022088-rukokrylye-zhivotnye-kryma. html https: //faunistics. com/letuchie-myshi/ https: //faunistics. com https: //animal-book. ru Большая энциклопедия для младших школьников. Любка М., Маевская Б., Леган И. и др. Моя первая энциклопедия. Резько И. В. Серия «Эрудит», мир животных, 2006
7 Сontent: 1 the description of bats 2 echolocation and nutrition 3 habitats 4 a new life 5 benefits and harms 6 conclusion 7 sources of information