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BATS летучие мыши
автор работы: Елисеева Полина Алексеевна руководитель: Рудыка Ольга Юрьевна
МБОУ “СОШ” 7 им. Мокроусова г. Симферополь
BATS On the body of bats, hair grows, which is lighter in color in the area of the abdomen. The wingspan, depending on the species, can reach almost 2 meters, while the shape of the wings can be different. Bat wings are nothing more than modified forelimbs and fingers that have been greatly elongated in the course of evolution, covered with a thin elastic skin that can stretch like compressed tissue. There is also a leathery membrane between the animal's hind legs. It is used as a tail unit and additionally helps to control the flight. The bones of small animals are the lightest and most fragile of all mammals. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. The thumb of the forelimb is armed with a hooked claw, while the other fairly long fingers serve as support for the wing membranes and they are located on the sides. The length of the tail, as well as the shape of the body, depends on the species.
Bats on vacation - in shelters, hanging upside down - the most typical position for them, but not the only one. Representatives of many species can be located horizontally, and can climb, relying on folded wings. 1
Although the bats of our fauna can see well, they use their eyes the least in the dark — bats " see" with their ears. The echolocation system of these animals is so perfect that in pitch darkness they can easily recognize objects. How do they do it? The animal emits a series of short ultrasonic pulses, and the echo returns to it, reflected from stationary and moving objects. At this moment, the animal's brain analyzes the reflected sound and in a fraction of a second makes an accurate picture of the surrounding environment! In the ultrasonic range, the animals also communicate with each other: they warn strangers about the border of their territory, warn of danger, take care of each other, raise their offspring, and even sing songs like birds, but we can not hear them — the human ear does not perceive ultrasound. However, this is not so bad, because they shout so loudly that you can just go deaf! So, by depriving a person of the ability to hear ultrasound, nature has not deprived him, but rather protected him.
Bats have a very good appetite and consume up to half of their body weight per night. For example, one medium-sized bat can eat 4, 000 mosquitoes per night! But they do not suffer from obesity — the metabolism of these animals is unusually fast. Crimean bat species feed exclusively on insects. Most species catch prey in the air, although some are able to collect it from the surface of plants. They eat mostly in the air, too. Some species, however, after catching a large insect, arrange a snack in a secluded place. Bats also use echolocation during hunting, and they can detect a tiny mosquito from a distance of several meters. In an hour, they are able to catch more than a hundred mosquitoes and midges.