Acknowledgment. References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Acknowledgment Acknowledge anyone who has helped you with the study, including: Researchers who supplied materials, reagents, or computer programs; anyone who helped with the writing, or offered critical comments about the content, or anyone who provided technical help. Acknowledge sources of funding, including any grant or reference numbers. Put sponsor acknowledgments in the unnumbered footnote on the first page. References References should be the most recent and pertinent literature available (about 5-10 years ago). The template will number citations within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Make sure that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the reference section and vice versa, and that the spelling of author names and years are consistent. Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’ names in the reference list; do not use “et al. ”. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols. Use the following examples to cite books [1], journal articles [2] or articles from paper collections [3]. Use transliteration and translate paper, journal and book titles when citing works, published in Russian [4]. Organise the reference list in alphabetical order.
[1] Clark, H. H. (1996). Using Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [2] Cummings, L. (1998). The scientific reductionism of relevance theory: the lesson from logical positivism. Journal of Pragmatics 29 (1): 1-12. [3] Drew, P. (1995). Conversation analysis. In Rethinking Methods in Psychology, J. Smith, R. Harré, and L. van Langenhove (eds. ). London: Sage, 64-79. [4] Makhmutova, E. N., Andreeva, M. M., Dmitrenko, T. A. (2018). Sozialno-psihologicheskij trening kak sredstvo formirovanija kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti studentov-menedzherov [Social-psychological training as a tool to foster communicative competency of students specialising in management]. Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education 1 (22): 91-106. DOI: 10. 15507/1991-9468. 090. 022. 201801. 091-106. (In Russ. )
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