Vocabulary: Jobs People Have 2 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Vocabulary: Jobs People Have 2 Read the words in the box carefully and then match them with the pictures below:
Complete the sentences: After understanding the words on the box above, use them to complete the following sentences:
1. Someone who takes people to many countries around the world is called a ________. 2. A _______________ is someone who sells different kinds of other seafood. 3. Our garden is a mess, let’s get a ____________ to make it beautiful again. 4. The ______________ in the town centre sells the best stakes and lamb chops. 5. If I need help while shopping, I ask for a ________________. 6. Has the ___________________ delivered any letters, today? 7. The ______________ in this restaurant, cooks delicious Greek food. 8. A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves or trims beards is a _______________. 9. A strong _______________ fights for his or her country bravely. 10. Our cat Fluffy has not been eating lately, so we took her to the ____________.
Discussion: Which of these jobs needs a lot of training before getting the job?