Vocabulary: Jobs People Have 1Vocabulary: Jobs People Have 1 Read the words in the box carefully and then match them with the pictures below:
Complete the sentences: After understanding the words on the box above, use them to complete the following sentences:
1. If you buy anything online, a _________________ will bring it to your house. 2. A person who drives big vehicle full of goods is called a ________________. 3. A _______________ works near schools by helping children cross the road safely. 4. Someone who gives you the latest news is called a _______________. 5. A woman who takes orders & brings you your food to your table is called a ____________. 6. A _______________works in a hospital and performs operations on people. 7. A man or a woman who serves customers in a shop is a ___________. 8. ________________ keep people safe & catch those who break the law. 9. A _________ is responsible for keeping public places clean. 10. A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves or trims beards is a _______________. Discussion: Which of these jobs would you like to get training for to get a job.