Vocabulary practice. worked out, deals with, includes, affect, began to control, worried about. demands much money, change, influences, started, consists of, exhausted. II. Put in the correct prepositions.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Unit 10 Vocabulary practice I. Replace the words in italics by their synonyms given below: worked out, deals with, includes, affect, began to control, worried about
1. The secondary sector consists of manufacturing industry, electricity generation and construction works. 2. Manufacturing industry is concerned with changing materials from a raw form into a forming which people can use them. 3. Nonrenewable resources eventually become exhausted. 4. The governments of many countries are increasingly concerned about the rate at which their valuable mineral resources are being used up. 5. Mining can damage the environment in several ways. 6. The government of Iran took over all oil production.
demands much money, change, influences, started, consists of, exhausted
7. The development of large-scale mining requires an enormous outlay of capital. 8. It greatly affects their ability to earn the foreign currency. 9. In the past mineral prices tended to fluctuate greatly over short period of time. 10. The top soil can be replaced once the mine becomes worked out. 11. The tertiary sector includes service activities 12. The government took on major development and improvement projects
II. Put in the correct prepositions.
European companies succeeded _____ gaining the right to pump and market the oil. They spent a lot of money _____ developing oil and gas deposits. In recent years governments of many countries have objected _____ the fact that their valuable resources are controlled by foreign countries. In some countries the government has attempted to deal ______ the problem by nationalizing certain sections of the mining industry. Nationalization is one of the solutions ______ the problem. The price fluctuations have very serious consequences for tiny countries whose economy depends heavily ____ the production of the minerals. The extraction of minerals contributes a great deal____ the economic life of many countries. Saudi Arabia and Iran have invested a lot of money _______ education and health protection. It has resulted ___ vast improvements in social sphere. Economic geography focuses _____ the geographic distribution of the economic activities of people.