IV. Speaking activities.. 5. Analyze the reading. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 IV. Speaking activities. 5. Analyze the reading. 1. What stages of education are there in Great Britain? Which of them are compulsory? 2. In what institutions can children get pre-school and primary education? 3. Who pays for education in private and state schools? 4. Are boarding schools still popular in Great Britain? 5. What types of independent schools do you know? 6. Which are the most notable public schools in Great Britain? 7. How can you account for the fact that the percentage of those attending comprehensive schools in Great Britain is becoming a bit lower nowadays? 8. How can you account for the fact that independent schools (especially public schools) which are not very numerous are the most significant? 9. What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in Great Britain? 10. What exams are taken at the age of 18?