What is a boarding school?. Public schools - better education for the rich?. Which is better, private or state?What is a boarding school? If you board at a school, it means you sleep and have your meals there. You can only 'board' at a public school, not at a state school. But boarding is becoming less common. More and more public school pupils live at home and just go to school for the day, like in state schools. Public schools - better education for the rich? Public schools spend more money per pupil per year than state schools. Last year, a state school in London spent around £ 2, 000 per pupil but a nearby private school spent around £ 8, 000 per pupil. The British government now wants to spend more money on state schools and raise standards.
Which is better, private or state? Becky. " I go to a state school but I'll send my kids to a boarding school because I plan to have a career. They can have a social life and do school work in the same place. " Rob. " Private schools are better because there are so many extra activities. In my school there is a cadet force, film studies and drama classes. Students are more likely to go to a good university. " Helena. " You get more attention at a private school, but state is better because you learn to mix with different people. Also most comprehensives are mixed and it's good to be in a class with both boys and girls. " Thomas. " Public schools get better results. The people who go there are not just from rich families. My friend's parents work hard to pay for his fees, so he has better chances. "
Harriet. " Just because public schools have more money doesn't mean the pupils are more intelligent. I've heard there are drug problems in public schools as well as in state schools. "
III. WRITING ACTIVITIES: 3. Suggest the Russian for: 1. to go to school for the day; 2. to go to a state (private, boarding, primary, secondary, preparatory, nursery, grammar, comprehensive) school; 3. to pay for fees; 4. to pay for education; 5. to enter pupils; 6. to spend money per pupil per year; 7. to spend money on schools; 8. a cadet force; 9. to get more attention (better results); 10. they are likely to go to good university; 11. to plan to have career; 12. common; 13. less common; 4. Suggest the English for: 1. злободневная тема, выбор, 2. аристократическая школа; 3. учебные планы; 4. школа, расположенная вблизи; 5. поднимать уровень; 6. развлечения; 7. внеклассные занятия; 8. общаться с разными людьми; 9. умные дети; 10. проблемы с наркотиками; 11. богатые и бедные семьи; 12. обучать чтению и письму; 13. детский сад; 14. привилегированная, средняя, частная школа.