Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of higher education «National Research University ITMO» Engineering Research Faculty
REPORT Laboratory work №3 « Analysis of the quality of photographic objectives in the OPAL PC program and selection of digital cameras»
by discipline «Introduction into applied optics»
Completed by: ________________ Version №: _______________
Associate professor Anna Voznesenskaya
Saint-Petersburg 1. Goal of the work: analyze the quality of photographic objectives using the OPAL PC software and select a digital camera.
2. Tasks: 1) Create an optical lens system - select from the library of photo lenses of the OPAL program (File/Library of optical systems/LENS) according to the specified characteristics (see the individual task in the Annex): - angular field of the lens 2wоb. not less than specified; - lens f-number fо (Relative aperture. =1: fоb) not more than specified; - the focal length of the lens f'ob does not differ more / less than 2 times from the specified one.
2) Determine the paraxial characteristics, the back section, the number of lenses and the dimensions of the objective.
3) Determine the values of the front and rear apertures Ay, Ay’ (Run/Basic analysis/Apertures and pupils (F6-text)).
4) Determine the values of the field of view (object field) 2w and the image height 2y (Run/Basic analysis/Principal rays).
4) Determine Lateral Aberrations ∆ y’ (Run/Basic analysis/On-axis point aberrations/Transverse aberrations).
5) Explore the contrast transfer function of the objective, determine the value of the resolution ν at a contrast level of 0. 2. (Run/Image analysis/Geometrical analysis/Geometrical MTF(F6-text)).
6) Copy Fig. 1 (Path of rays in the optical system) from the OPAL program and build Fig. 2 (Diagram of the optical system) in the AutoCAD program, using the design parameters of the photo lens from the OPAL program..
7) Using the given dimensions of the CCD matrix, determine its diagonal, calculate the crop factor and equivalent focal length, examples of two digital cameras suitable for the crop factor (https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Charge-coupled_device, https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Crop_factor) and determine the equivalent focal length of digital cameras (https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/35_mm_equivalent_focal_length). 3. The content of the work Table 1. Characteristics of a film photo lens (see below) Figure 1. Path of rays in the optical system
Figure 2. Diagram of the optical system
CCD diagonal d =
Crop factor =
Equivalent focal length f ’eq=
Picked digital cameras:
4. Conclusion
Table 1. Digital Cameras Specifications
Annex. Tasks