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Robbie Williams --- 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13

Robbie Williams       --- 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13

III) 1 start 2 award 3 decade 4 receive 5 knighthood      6 musical

       7 peerage  8 release 9 career 10 impresario 11 record


 In sleep he 1 sang to me                                    Those who have seen your 9 face
In 2 dreams he came.                                         Draw back in fear
That voice which calls to me                            I am the mask you 10 wear,
And speaks my name.                                                   It's me they hear.
And do I dream again?                                         My/your 11 spirit and your/my voice
For now I 3 find                                                 In one combined.                          
The Phantom of the Opera is there,                     The Phantom of the Opera is there,
Inside my 4 mind                                               Inside your/my mind.

5 Sing once again with me,                                 In all your fantasies
Our strange duet.                                                 You always knew
My 6 power over you                                        That man and 12 mystery
Grows stronger yet.                                             Were both in you?
And though you turn from me                             And in this labyrinth
To glance 7 behind                                            Where 13 night is blind
The Phantom of the Opera is 8 there,                 The Phantom of the Opera is there,
Inside your mind.                                                  Inside your/my mind.


“The Road To Mandalay”

Save me from drowning in the 1sea                               I like to sleep beneath the 8 trees
Beat me up on the beach                                                 Have the universe at one with me
                                                                                         Look down the barrel of a gun
What a lovely holiday                                                                 And feel the Moon replace the 9 Sun
There's nothing 2 funny left to say
This sombre song would drain the sun                            Everything we’ve ever stolen
But it won't shine until it's sung                                      Has been lost returned or broken
                                                                                     No more 10 dragons left to slay
No water running in the 3 stream                                 Every mistake I’ve ever made
The saddest place we've ever seen                                  Has been rehashed and then replayed
                                                                                     As I got lost along the way
Everything I touched was golden
Everything I loved got broken                                                    11 Save me from drowning in the sea
On the road to Mandalay                                               Beat me up on the beach
Every 4 mistake I've ever made                                   What a lovely holiday
Has been rehashed and then replayed                                        There’s nothing funny left to 12 say
As I got lost along the 5 way

There's nothing left for you to 6 give                       
The truth is all that you're left with
Twenty paces then at dawn
We will die and be 7 reborn


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