Lesson 3 – Party Snap. Variation. Extra Ideas. 1. Wrapping paper . 2. Carols. 3. Advent Calendar. 4. Drawing in the airLesson 3 – Party Snap 1. Tell the pupils they are going to play a game about different kinds of parties and celebrations. 2. Cut out the cards and stick them onto a card so that each pupil has a full set (you can also ask your pupils to do the cards themselves). 3. In groups of four, the pupils place all the cards together, shuffle them and deal them out. In turn the pupils place a card face up alternately in two separate piles. If two cards match, the first pupil to shout SNAP wins all the cards in the piles. The pupil who has all the cards or who has the most cards when time is up is the winner. Variation The pupils work in pairs. Place all the cards face down on the table. Children take turns to turn over two cards and if the cards match they can keep them. If they don’t match they must turn them the face down again. The winner is the pupil who gets the most ‘matches’. From Penguin Young Readers Games and Activities Book 1 Extra Ideas 1. Wrapping paper Pupils can design their own wrapping paper using pencils, crayons or even paints and potato stamps. The whole class could vote for the best design. 2. Carols You can find Christmas carols (karaoke versions) on www. santa. com 3. Advent Calendar You can put Post it notes over the pictures and ask the pupils to remove them, so that children learn one, two, three words per lesson (depending on the number of lessons available before Christmas). Removing a note can be treated as a prize for homework or another class activity! 4. Drawing in the air The children look at the poster. Choose an item and draw the outline in the air. The children try to guess what you have drawn.