Electrical problems. Typical power supply systems. Expect. Single generator. Battery only ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Electrical problems Electrical problems may be caused by failure of one or more of the aircraft’s generators, a short circuit or other technical deficiency. Lighting strike may also cause problems with the electrical systems.
Loss of electrical power is an emergency situation. If a pilot reports the aircraft to be on standby power, most aircraft will have electrical power for only 20 – 30 minutes so urgent action by ATC is required. Even though most aircraft can still function on reduced power, a possible complete power failure must be expected. Therefore, partial failure is also treated as an emergency.
Typical power supply systems Most modern transport aircraft have two generators and a battery for power supply. Smaller aircraft will have less backup and therefore lower redundancy. Select a generator to drain its’ power and see the effect. Select both generators to see consequences of only having battery power. Click the battery to drain all power.
Single generator In order to conserve power supplies, all unnecessary power consuming systems shall be switched off. This may include for example, the transponder and internal and external lighting. As it must be expected that all power supply will end, the flight should continue under VMC. This may require level changes. Landing at the next suitable aerodrome is the expected action in this situation.
Battery only If all generators are down, the battery will not be recharged and supply will be extremely limited. Only the navigational instruments will be working and even these may be limited.
Systems affected by electrical power supply problems are: electronic devices such as the transponder, computers, controls and indication, sensor Electrical heating: Galley, anit-icing Lighting: Cockpit, cabon, exterior Mechanical Power: pumps, valves, motion
No power If the battery supply is exhausted then the pilot will have to work hard to fly the plane safely. Therefore, the aircraft needs all available navigational assistance, especially if it cannot remain in VMC. As the workload in the cockpit is increased and crew may experience high stress levels. This could result in longer answering times to ATC.