More about. what else would you like to know? Write to workcamps@pro-international.de ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 For very late arrivals we meet at 22: 30h and 00: 15h in Lingenfeld station. Please inform us about your arrival time. You stand visible at the railway station opposite to the restaurant “Zum Bahnhof” You have to phone one of the above mentioned mobile phonenumbers about one hour before you arrive in Lingenfeld. Than somebody can pick you up. If you are not able to communicate just wait! If you didn’t inform us that you come, just take a taxi or go the 5km to Weingarten Arena. This is not so far and sports is part of the camp. In any case. You can also walk the 5 km from Lingenfeld to Weingarten Arena. Just go to west to Westheim and than to Weingarten.
Once in Weingarten/Pfalz Just go 400 meters from the bus stop (church) to the arena First read and understand and than you can ask: Any question to Dr. Ralf Rieger: ralf. rieger@dhbc. de or phone +491713085097 or
More about the accommodation: Accommodation: will be in the main building of the Arena with several-sleeping-rooms (12 beds, 5 and 7 beds in each), kitchen, bathrooms, showers. Cooking, cleaning, shopping etc. will be done by the group itself. Like in each workcamp, accommodation, food and travel-costs for excursions are free as well as materials/copies needed for the lectures. It is recommended to bring equipment for football and or tennis to the workcamp.
More about self-organisation:
More about the food: Household chores and kitchen-duties are also self-organized. Each day a couple of volunteers do not work outside and take care of cleaning and meal preparation. Shopping is generally done according to a shopping-list written by the group itself. Therefore a budget is available. Just be aware that not every exotic ingredient can be easily found in Weingarten. Good cooking is important J and a camp is a unique possibility to try tasty recipes and cook great food. Please, take the opportunity and show some of your culture to all. It happens to receive a critic at the end of the camp: “I have a few kilograms more than before I came here... ”; -).
More about the work: Main work will be in the Arena, around the football fields, tennis court; in the wood and the churchs. Participants will also be doing various manual works to prepare the area around the arena. Time of work will be about 5 hours daily. .
More about leisure possibilities: The Arena in Weingarten http: //www. svw2007. de/fotogalerie-eg. html is close to Germersheim and Speyer ( http: //www. germersheim. eu/stadt_germersheim/Tourismus/In%20der%20Region/ and http: //www. speyer. de/sv_speyer/en/Tourism/ http: //www. weingarten-pfalz. de/bilder. htm ). Germersheim is a historical and picturesque town, 50 km southwest of Heidelberg. It has 20. 000 inhabitants, including 3. 000 students. Weingarten itself has a nice Arena with sports facilities. One Goal is also that the volunteers participate in sport activities of the SV Weingarten. (Ferit’s football training und Gü nter Freizeitsportgruppe etc. ). The women football team of SVW is also interested in playing against the volunteers. On the weekends a trip to Heidelberg and Speyer, Karlsruhe or Pfä lzer Wald etc. might be interesting.
More about Weingarten: The camp is located approx. 10 km away from the city centres of Speyer and Germersheim. Terminal: Busstation Weingarten, via Speyer Busstation, Germersheim Busstation or Lingenfeld, The next train-station is in Lingenfeld; next airports Karlsruhe/Baden, Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, or Frankfurt-Hahn.
More about the weather: The south west with its Rhine valley is called the Toscana of Germany. Normally it is warm and sometimes even hot. But weather can vary. It shouldn't be too cold but there is no guarantee. Bothersome rain is possible, and some of the planned activities of the workcamp can change because of bad weather. More about the German language: This is a German-speaking camp for people who wish to learn German, so even the short use of any other language will damage yourself and the entire group. Most of all we strongly recommend to avoid English. From Monday to Friday there are generally lectures, 2 hours long and usually in the afternoon, after work. The language training is conducted with the help of university of Mainz Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft of University Mainz (http: //www. fask. uni-mainz. de). A good preparation for the workcamp is to read a bit german literature like this: www. kicker. de. Three courses will be offered by language specialists from university Mainz – for beginners and for some advanced people. During the 3 weeks the volunteers will (try to) communicate only in German and receive an effective German language training. Of course you may ask each question concerning language whenever you want. You will be provided with learning materials but if you have your own books or dictionaries, bring them along with you. Additional remarks:
More about... what else would you like to know? Write to workcamps@pro-international. de P. S.: In unseren Workcamps sprechen wir fast nur Deutsch (it is written everywhere, on our database, description, info-sheet, big and clear. Still some people come and say: “Oh really? I didn’t know it! ”). But we have experienced that they learn something Look, in previous years we had many participants who needed to improve their German language – for the university, for career, for own and private reasons, for whatever. Well, I am personally happy that many participants told us later that our project was really helpful (not just for language, of course). Then we don’t ask respect for pro-international but for other people and for yourself. Once you are here, only German language! Deal? Andreas Kunz
In Weingarten it is quite easy to speak German, because a lot of people don’t speak English. You have to ask them to repeat if you don’t understand. Sometimes you have to ask two times or three times J. Than you will have success. The group leader - Iva Krá lová - takes care and she will watch carefully that all the people speak German – or travel back. From 2016 to 2019 we had a group which followed this concept and they had success and fun. Nobody was sent home. Ralf Rieger