(teacher). 2) Where was Sukhomlinsky wounded during the war?( heart). 3) What position did he hold for the rest of his life? (teacher). Rural [ˈrʊərəl] сельский. Relatively [ˈrelətɪvlɪ] относительно. Responsibility ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 (teacher) 2) Where was Sukhomlinsky wounded during the war? ( heart) 3) What position did he hold for the rest of his life? (teacher) Rural [ˈ rʊ ə rə l] сельский Relatively [ˈ relə tɪ vlɪ ] относительно Responsibility [rɪ spɒ nsə ˈ bɪ lɪ tɪ ] обязанность Aesthetic [iː sˈ θ etɪ k] эстетичный Outstanding [aʊ tˈ stæ ndɪ ŋ ] выдающийся Highest [ˈ haɪ ɪ st] самый высокий Humanism [ˈ hjuː mə nɪ zm] гуманизм Unique [juː ˈ niː k] уникальный Managed [ˈ mæ nɪ ʤ d] управляемй Development [dɪ ˈ velə pmə nt] развитие