Syns and Ants ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Lesson 10 Theme: Methods of teaching vocabulary: translation, synonyms, antonyms.
Syns and Ants By Mark Tuohy
A teacher prepares about 20 cards beforehand each having a headword followed by a list of between 5 to 8 synonyms or antonyms in order of difficulty (1 easy, 5 harder, etc). Children are split into teams and then the teacher writes the headword on the board and tells them to give a synonym or an antonym. Each group has a guess and if their guess is one of the words on the card they get the point value of that word. The team at the end of the game with most points wins. Homework: 1) to think on all synonyms of the words “big”, “small” 2) complete the table