Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of color revolution in modern scientific discourseTheoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of "color revolution" in modern scientific discourse A.O. Naumov, D.V. Demin NAUMOV, Aleksandr Olegovich,PhD, Associate Professor, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, email: naumov@spa.msu.ru; DEMIN, Dmitrii Vladimirovich,postgraduate student,School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, email: demindv@spa.msu.ru Abstract: Despite the substantial number of studies devoted to “color revolutions”, there is still no common understanding of them. Moreover, the assessment of this phenomenon by different researchers can differ dramatically: from the spontaneous uprising of the masses, tired of enduring the dictatorial regime, to the application of the US scientifically developed technology to overthrow undesired political leaders in countries that do not even have the conditions for a social revolution. This article provides an overview of various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of "color revolutions". The key issue is the ratio of endogenous and exogenous factors leading to the “color revolutions”. The scientific works of leading domestic and foreign experts, both directly involved in this problem, and experts in the field of international relations are examined. The authors conclude that applied studies of the phenomenon of “color revolutions” in the works of domestic and foreign researchers are often conducted from opposite positions. In the Western scientific world, the discourse about the endogenous origins of “color revolutions” prevails, while many domestic researchers recognize external interference as the root cause. According to the author’s concept, external factors played equally important role, because it was precisely the technology of the “soft power” of the USA and its allies that became the key reasons and, at the same time, instruments for implementing the “color revolutions”. Keywords: “Color revolution”, “soft power”, “hybrid war”, “Bulldozer revolution”, “Rose revolution”, “Orange revolution”, “Tulip revolution”, Arab Spring, non-violent struggle.