VARIANT IV. VARIANT VTASK 4 1.My little sister comes _________ home at half past five. (A) A (B) THE (C) — 2.Our classroom is on __________ second floor. (A) — (B) A (C) THE 3.Russia is washed by the ocean in ___________ north. (A) THE (B) — (C) A VARIANT IV TASK 1 A hundred years ago football was not ____________________. PROFESSION The _______________ worked during the week and played in the PLAY Football today in Great Britain is big _____________________________. BUSY A lot of money is spent for __________________ good players. TRAIN Still, football is a _____________________________ game. WONDER TASK 2 The USA __________ a young country. BE Its ________________ history is only a few hundred years old. WRITE ______________ than 320 million people live there. MANY They are a mixture of many different ___________________. NATIONALITY This country is worth ____________________. VISIT TASK 3 The USA (be) a large country. If you (go) to the US, you (see) its different natural wonders. The country (have) almost every kind of weather. Many rivers (cross) it. But the (great) is the Mississippi. The Grand Canyon (be) one of the main tourist attractions. The river Colorado (form) it millions of years ago. TASK 4 1.Please listen ___________ me! (A) AT (B) TO (C) — 2.It’s too hot in the room! Can I take _________ my coat? (A) ON (B) OFF (C) UP 3.He is afraid _________ big dogs. (A) OF (B) OFF (C) with VARIANT V TASK 1 Grandfather sat down on the ________________________ seat, WOOD He cut a big piece of _______________________ cheese and put it near the fire LOVE TASK 2 Evening ____________ , COME Suddenly the girl heard the sound of many _________________. FOOT The goats ________________________________ down the mountains. CLIMB “Oh, are they all ___________?” cried Heidi. OUR