


Случайная статья

Activity 2 : These statements are incorrect correct them with details from the text : (3marks)

Activity 2 : These statements are incorrect correct them with details from the text : (3marks)

1- The pupil didn’t review well for the science exam. →----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- The pupil was pleased when the supervisor send him to the office. →------------------------------------------------------- 3- The teacher punished the pupil. →-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Activity 3 : Pick out a sentence expressing obligation in the past from paragraph 1 : (1mark)


Activity 4 : what do the underlined expression  mean ? (1mark)

I thought I was in a nightmare. → 1) a terrifying dream       2) a day dream         3)    a nice dream


Language : (8marks)

Activity 1 : Fill in the blanks with words from the box : ( there’s an extra word)  (3marks)

remember   / depressed /  biggest  /  fun  /  at  / succeeded / expenses
My primary school years were very bad, I was always the①----------------------. I was short and  fat. I was never popular, always picked last to be on a team. My classmates made ② ------------------------of me. Clothing was impossible, there were really no large size stores for kids. I weighed almost 15 kg more than all the other kids. I ③---------------------- everyone laughing ④-----------------------me. Their attitudes hut me a lot. I was always upset and ⑤----------------------------- I never went to  school parties or any dance classes, in general was a big joke to all. However, I did my best to be a good pupil and ⑥------------------------ regularly.

Activity 2 : match the sentences halves to get a coherent paragraph : (there’s an extra part) (2.5marks)

1- I was an only child for ten years, then mum and dad had my baby sister, 2- My mother doesn’t give me attention because she’s 3- My parents are planning to 4- I love my baby sister, but I’m scared that if my mum has one more she’ll forget about me, 5- I’m feeling really sad when I think A- too busy with my little sister. B- about this situation. C- have one more. D- She’s really lost and depressed. E- who is now almost one year. F- and that I’ll be alone.

[1+ ---]       [2+ -----]       [3+ ----]      [4+ ----]       [5+ ----]          



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