LITERATURE. Additional
Task 9.
Enumerate the signs of congenital glaucoma:
a) enlargement of the corneal diameter;
b) elevation of IOP;
c) corneal opacity;
d) gray atrophy of the optic nerve with glaucomatous cupping;
e) thinning of the sclera.
Test 10
Which groups of drugs should be used in conservative treatment of glaucoma?
a) immunomodulators;
b) vasodilators;
c) miotics;
d) beta-blockers;
e) anticholinesterase drugs.
1. Khurana, A. K. Comprehensive Ophthalmology / A. K. Khurana. 4th ed. Published by New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. Kanski, J. J. Clinical Ophthalmology