Materials for the for students’ classes
Materials for the for students’ classes Class date April 27, 2020 Theme 9: Materials on the topic of the practical class prepared assistant of the Department of ophthalmology Voronova N.N.
SITUATIONAL TASKS FOR FINAL CONTROL Task 1. A patient aged 50 noted that his visual acuity for near in the right eye has being lost progressively over 3 months. Objectively: the eye is quiet. The upper eyelid is lowered and covers the upper part of the pupil. Moderate exophthalmus. Eye mobility is limited in all directions. Mydriasis. Fundus examination reveals the optic nerve disc of pink colour, blurred margins, and dilated and tortil veins. Make a diagnosis: a) orbit phlegmon; b) concomitant strabismus; c) superior orbital fissure syndrome; d) retrobulbar hematoma; e) optic neuritis.
Task 2. A female aged 46 shows no complaints; suffers from II B hypertension; is followed-up by a therapeutist. Is directed to fundus examination. Objectively: V OD=1,0 V OS=1,0 Eyes are quiet. Ocular media are transparent. Fundus: optic nerve discs are pinkish, margins are well defined, arteries are narrowed; Guist’s symptom, “copper wire” symptom, II degree Salus-Gunn’s symptom, small single hemorrhages are seen along the vessels. Make a diagnosis: a) diabetic retinopathy; b) hypertensive angioretinopathy; c) central vein of retina occlusion; d) central artery of retina embolism; e) renal angioretinopathy.
Task 3. A male patient aged 43 suffers from diabetes II . Is followed-up by endocrinologist and ophthalmologist. Objectively: V OD=0,3 not corrected, V OS=0,6 not corrected Eyes are quiet. Ocular media are transparent. Fundus: optic nerve discs are pinkish, margins are well defined, veins are dilated and tortile; numerous microaneurysms; numerous small hemorrhages and cotton wool spots are seen in macular and paramacular areas along the vessels. Make a diagnosis: a) diabetic retinopathy; b) hypertensive angioretinopathy; c) central vein of retina occlusion; d) central artery of retina embolism; e) renal angioretinopathy.