The rhesus system was discovered in 1937-1940. K.Landsteiner and V.Viner. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 The rhesus system was discovered in 1937-1940. K.Landsteiner and V.Viner. Antigens are found in red blood cells. The most important are D, C, E. However, 15% of Europeans do not, such people are called Rh-negative. If such a person is transfused with Rh-αpositive blood, then there will be a rhesus-conflict.
Practical work 2. Determination of Rh factor by means of serum anti - D. For this work you need:anti-D, dish, scarifier, alcohol, iodine, cotton wool, glass object. Technique:on a plate put a drop of anti-D serum, with the help of a slide make a drop of blood, stirred, after 2 minutes. Read the result. Result: Specify the presence of agglutination, sketch the result. Conclusion: to determine the presence of rhesus-factor in the blood of the subject, to explain the mechanism of agglutination.
The rules of blood transfusion: Only one-group blood is poured 1) determine the blood group of the donor and recipient 2) determine the Rh factor 3) conduct a test for physiological compatibility 4) conduct a test for biological compatibility
Practical work 3 . Determination of bleeding time Duke’s method. For this work you need:scarifier, alcohol, cotton wool, filter paper. Technique: the finger is treated with alcohol, pierced it by scarifier and every 0.5 minutes a drop of blood protruding from the puncture is soaked by the filter paper until the bleeding stops, the norm is 2 to 4 minutes. Results. Count the number of prints of drops on the filter paper, divide by 2 - this is the minutes. Conclusions. Compare the result with the normal value. What mechanisms ensure the stopping of bleeding?