Pre-Reading Questions. New wordsPre-Reading Questions 1. Who has the best job in the world? 2. Who has the worst job in the world? 3. What is more important in a job, money or happiness? 4. Do you work to live or do you live to work? 1. New words
Dream Job:Are you passionate about your work? How important is it to love your work? Some people say it’s the key to happiness. You spend so much time at your job that it has to be something you’re passionateabout. Other people say you have to at least feel valuedin your workplace. Your dream job may still be a hobby, but the work you do must make a difference to people’s lives. Is it possible to adore your job no matter what you do? Your attitudetowards your job can go a long way. A supportive pest controlworker or plumberimproves the quality of life of his customers. Feeling challengedon the job is important. A job that requires very little effort is hard to do for a long time. This is why some positions have a high turnover. Your night job, may be a stepping stoneto your future career. The people we work with have a lot to do with job satisfaction. You may be passionate about the work, but hate your boss or co-workers. On the other hand, you may work from home, but miss interaction with colleagues. The money you earn on the job is also important. Do you earn enough money to meet your basic needs? Is there a little left over for your savings and recreation account? If you think you deserve more than you earn, you may be miserable at work. Asking for a raise may be your solution. Some people get stuck in a rutat work. They don’t leave a dead end job because they get too comfortable. Think back to when you were a small child. What was your answer when people asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? Some experts say that our childhood dreams are the jobs we are meant to do.