


Случайная статья

A- Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun.



A- Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun.

1. I am here. Look at _________.

2. He is there. Look at _________.

3. We are in the classroom. Look at _________.

4. John is sitting. Look at _________.

5. She is the garden.Look at _________.

6. They are near the stairs. Look at _________.

7. Miss Bates is a good journalist.Look at _________.

8. Sally and Roy are on the right. Look at _________.

9. The bird is on the tree. Look at _________.

10. Mark and I are near the blackboard. Look at _________.

11. The garden is nice. Look at _________.

12. The flowers are red. Look at _________.

B- Put him, her, us, it, them, me in the place of the words in brackets.

1.Look at ______ (Fred); he is with ______ (the boys);he is not it ______(Rose).

2.Look at ______(Mary and Tom); they are with ______(Jane).

3.Look at ______(the cat); it is in ______(house).

4.Look at ______(I); I am with ______(my grandparents).

5.Look at ______(Fred and I); we are with ______(Mr. Parker).

6.Look at ______(the dogs); They are in ______(the box).


C- Choose the correct pronoun.


1. Listen to Jeff. Listen to (her/he/him) ________.

2. Listen to Mrs. Slater. Listen to (she / her/ them) ______.

3. Listen to Betty and me. listen to (us / we/ me) ______.

4. Listen to that beautiful song. Listen to ( its/it/her) ______.

5. Listen to his mother. Listen to (they/ her/ us). ______.



D- Complete according to the example.

I like John. Yes, I like him.


1. I like Mark. Yes, I _________.

2. I like Roger and Mary. Yes, I _________.

3. I like my new car. Yes, I _________.

4. I like my cousin Mary. Yes, I _________.

5. I like this song. Yes, I _________.

6. I like my grandparents. Yes, I _________.

7. I like ice-cream. Yes, I _________.

8. I like my sister. Yes, I _________.



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