KUCHELA VRUTTAMकपिलोपाख्यानम् (नारायणीयम् : दशकम् १५ )
मतिरिह गुणसक्ता बन्धकृत्तेष्वसक्ता त्वमृतकृदुपरुन्धे भक्तियोगस्तु सक्तिम् । महदनुगमलभ्या भक्तिरेवात्र साध्या कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादीः ॥१॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “ The mind which is attached to the pleasures of the senses will result in bondage but the mind not attached to those pleasures will lead to immortality. Devotion to the Lord will block all attachments. Therefore such devotion is to be cultivated by association with great souls who dearly love the Lord. प्रकृतिमहदहंकाराश्च मात्राश्च भूता- न्यपि हृदपि दशाक्षी पुरुषु पञ्चविंशः । इति विदितविभागो मुच्यतेऽसौ प्रकृत्या कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादीः ॥२॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “ Prakriti (Primal Nature), Mahat ( the intellect) , Ahamkara (the ego), the five matras (the elements in their subtle form), the five gross elements of earth, water, fire, air and space, the mind, ten senses (five of perception and five of action) and purusha (indwelling spirit) together constitute the twenty five (Tattwas of the sankhya philosophy). He who understands this division is released from the clutches of Prakriti (Maya) प्रकृतिगतगुणौघैर्नाज्यते पूरुषोऽयं यदि तु सजति तस्यां तद्गुणास्तं भजेरन् मदनुभजनतत्त्वालोचनैः साप्यपेयात् कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादीः॥३॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “Purusha per se is not touched or affected by the qualities of Prakriti. But if he is attached to Prakriti her qualities will stick to him. But prakriti will not affect a person who worships me, is devoted to me and contemplates and meditates on My real nature“. विमलमतिरुपात्तैरासनाद्यैर्मदंगं गरुडसमिधिरूढं दिव्यभूषायुधांकम् । रुचितुलिततमालं शीलयेतानुवेलं कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥४॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti ”One should, with a pure mind and seated in a proper posture, ever meditate on my form seated astride Garuda, adorned with divine weapons and ornaments and of dark blue complexion as the tamala tree”. मम गुणगणलीलाकर्णनैः कीर्तनाद्यै- र्मयि सुरसरिदोघप्रख्यचित्तानुवृत्तिः । भवति परमभक्तिः सा हि मृत्योर्विजेत्री कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥५॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “Hearing about my sterling qualities and my leelas (exploits) and singing my praises (in the company of my devotees) will engender in one the highest state of devotion wherein the mind is continuously dwelling on Me like the flow of waters of the Ganga” अहह बहुलहिंसासञ्चितार्थैः कुटुंबं प्रतिदिनमनुपुष्णन् स्त्रीजितो बाललाली । विशति हि गृहसक्तो यातनां मय्यभक्तः कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥६॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “ One who is attached to hearth and home, who supports his family daily by wealth accumulated by harming others physically or mentally, who is won over by women and pampers the children and is not a devotee of mine will suffer the fires of hell”. युवतिजठरखिन्नो जातबोधोऽप्यकाण्डे प्रसवगलितबोधः पीडयोल्लङ्घ्य बाल्यम् पुनरपि बत मुह्यत्येव तारुण्यकाले कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥७॥ You, incarnated as Kapila, said to Devahuti “ Though the child suffering in the womb of the mother suddenly gets true knowledge it forgets all that in the process of being delivered from the mother’s womb. It passes through childhood in pain and discomfort and in its youth it is deluded by the mirage of worldly pleasures“ पितृसुरगणयाजी धार्मिको यो गृहस्थः स च निपतति काले दक्षिणाध्वोपगामी । मयि निहितमकामं कर्म तूदक्पथार्थं कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥८॥ Those householders who worship and propitiate the pitr (ancestors who are dead) and the devas (celestials) and are virtuous will go through the southern path and return to the cycle of births and deaths in this world when their punya is exhausted. On the other hand, all karma (action) done without attachment and expectation of reward and which is surrendered to me in worship takes one to the Northern path (from where there is no return to this mundane world). इति सुविदितवेद्यां देव हे देवहूतिं कृतनुतिमनुगृह्य त्वं गतो योगिसंघैः । विमलमतिरथासौ भक्तियोगेन मुक्ता त्वमपि जनहितार्थं वर्तसे प्रागुदीच्याम् ॥९॥ Thus enlightened and having known what is to be known, Devahuti sang your praises. You, in turn, blessed her and departed with your disciple yogis. Devahuti, of pure heart, was liberated by following the path of devotion to You who still abide in the North-East for the welfare of humanity. परम! किमु बहूक्त्या त्वत्पदांभोजभक्तिं सकलभयविनेत्रीं सर्वकामोपनेत्रीं । वदसि खलु दृढं त्वं तद्विधूयामयान् मे गुरुपवनपुरेश! त्वय्युपाधत्स्व भक्तिम् ॥१०॥ O the Greatest One ! what is the point of too much talk? You have emphatically stated that devotion to Your lotus feet will banish all fears and fulfill all desires. O Lord of Guruvayur ! kindly destroy all my ailments and fill my heart with devotion to You.