Akarma (non-action) and. Vikarma, a transcendental variety of Karma, which the VaishNavAs describe as Kaimkaryam (Bhagavath/ BhAgavatha/AchArya Kaimkaryam) to secure freedom from the cycles of births and deaths. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 (2) Akarma (non-action) and (3) Vikarma, a transcendental variety of Karma, which the VaishNavAs describe as Kaimkaryam (Bhagavath/ BhAgavatha/AchArya Kaimkaryam) to secure freedom from the cycles of births and deaths". ThiruvAsiriyam develops the above themes of Yajur Vedam in its seven paasurams ThiruvAsiriyam points out that the AarAdhya Devan for the rites prescribed by the adhvaryu priests in the case of Yajur Vedam is Sriman NaarAyaNan alone. ThiruvAsiriyam is hence considered as the elaboration of the "NaarAyaNAya" portion of the Moola Manthram (AshtAksharam).
THE PLACE OF THIRUVASIRIYAM AMONG SWAMY NAMMAZHWAR'S FOUR PRABHANDHAMS UtthamUr Swamy points out that the four Prabhandhams of Swamy Nammazhwar progress from Para Bhakthi (Thiruviruttham) to Para JnAnam (ThiruvAsiriyam) to Parama Bhakthi (Periya ThiruvandhAthi) to Bhagavath prApthi (ThiruvAimozhi). In Thiruviruttham, Swamy Nammazhwar experienced Para Bhakthi state and conversed with the Lord, who was visible to him through Jn~Ana KaNN (Dhivya Chakshus) and pleaded for the severance of the dEha sambhandham that interfered with the perfect enjoyment of the Lord. The Lord was concerned and He came up with a clever way to satisfy Swamy Nammazhwar, while making sure that the Prabhandhams for the benefit of the samsAris would be completed by Swamy Nammazhwar as a part of his avathAra kaaryam. Our Lord blessed Swamy Nammazhwar to enjoy His svaroopam, Roopam, GuNam and dhivya leelAs so that Swamy Nammazhwar could enjoy them and be persuaded to cast Moksham aside for a while and stay a little longer in this earth (LeelA VibhUthi) to complete the composition of the remaining three prabhandhams. Thus arose ThiruvAsiriyam as a result of the direct vision (Prathyaksha Darsanam) of the Lord by Swamy Nammazhwar as KshIrAbdhi Naathan resting as a baby in the lap of his Mother (AadhisEshan) at the milky ocean. That vision led Swamy Nammazhwar to celebrate the uniqueness of Sriman NaarAyaNan as the uncontested Supreme Being, who alone can grant the Jeevans Moksham and rejected all other gods created by Him and subservient to Him in every way for worship to gain that MahA Siddhi.
Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam, Nammaazhwar Thiruvadigale Saranam, Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan