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Annotated Commentary in English By: Oppiliappan Koil SrI VaradAchAri SaThakopan sadagopan.org
CONTENTS Introduction 1 Paasuram 1 2 Paasuram 2 4 Paasuram 3 5 Paasuram 4 6 Paasuram 5 7 Paasuram 6 8 Paasuram 7 9 Nigamanam 12 sadagopan.org
There are four Dhivya prabhandhams blessed to us by Swamy NammAzhwAr: (1) Thiruviruttham, (2) Thiruvaasiriyam, (3) Periya ThiruvandhAthi and (4) ThiruvAimozhi. PoorvAchAryaas have compared the above four Veda SamhithAs to Rig, Yajur, Atharva and Saama Vedam respectively. adiyEn will focus on ThiruvAsiriyam (Yajur Veda Saamyam) and Periya ThiruvandhAthi (Atharava Veda Saamyam) in this essay.
TANIYAN FOR THIRUVAASIRIYAM SET IN AASRIYAPPAA METER அᾞளாளப் ெபᾞமான் எம்ெபᾞமானாரᾞளிச் ெசய்தᾐ கᾢவிᾞத்தம் aruLaaLap perumaan emperumaanaararuLich cheythathu Kaliviruttham
காசினிேயார் தாம்வாழக் கᾢᾜகத்ேத வந்ᾐதித்ᾐ , ஆசிாியப் பாவதனால் அᾞமைறᾓல் விாித்தாைன , ேதசிகைனப் பராங்குசைனத் திகழ்வகுளத் தாராைன , மாசைடயா மனத்ᾐைவத்ᾐ மறவாமல் வாழ்த்ᾐᾐேம.
kaasiniyOr thaamvaazhak kaliyugaththE vandhudhiththu, aasiriyap paavathanaal arumaRainool viriththaanai, thEsiganaip paraangusanaith thigazhvaguLath thaaraanai, maasadaiyaa manaththuvaiththu maRavaamal vaazhththuthumE !
There are seven paasurams in this Prabhandham. The Taniyan for Thiruvaasiriyam has been composed by AruLALa PerumAL EmperumAnAr. The composer of the Taniyan says: Swamy NammAzhwAr incarnated in Kali Yugam for showering auspiciousness on the people of the world through the blessings of ThiruvAsiriyam as the elaboration of (Yajur) Veda mantrams. The author reminds us to say Jaya Vijayee bhava to this AchAryan with the name of ParAnkusan adorning the shining VaguLaa flower grland on His chest. He wants us to eulogize Swamy NammAzhwAr, the author with a blemish-free mind for His upakAram. Here are the meanings of the 7 Paasurams of ThiruvAsiriyam according to Dr. K.C. Varadachari.