Prehistory ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Prehistory This is a story about an eternal couple, which in the spiritual world was an eternal couple and which, having fallen here into the material world, was a couple for many lifetimes. My eternal husband, who is my eternal couple, and I lived here in the material world together both as humans, as animals, and as insects. We also lived many lives as exalted beings on the highest heavenly planets, and everything was fine. And we were always together and were always a couple. About the fact that this story is about the eternal couple, in the 170th series from 11:46. But at one life one of the asuras was got his eye on me, but my husband, my eternal couple, was preventing him. And this asur did everything to get my husband away from me. Asur manipulated my consciousness in order to I would broadcast to my husband behavior which was unacceptable to him. Most likely, I was broadcasting to him that I am interested in other men, that some man is better than him and that I would like to be with him, although in fact I did not have it. These manipulations of my consciousness were not the only means in the arsenal of the asur who lived among us there as we do, outwardly, but actually was with the asuric nature. He also worked on my husband by sending an asuri-woman to him specializing in seducing men and stealing another women's husbands. What made possible the recruitment to the asuras many, many lives ago, in the 61st series from 09:23. They also were pressuring on all his buttons at the energy level in the sexual sphere, as well as playing on his psychological complexes and desires and using all sorts of NLP tricks, and manipulating his consciousness, so that he became with this woman-asuri and gave his consent to accept the asuric nature. That asur tempted him that, having become asur, my husband, my eternal couple, will become irresistible to women in sexual terms, that with the asuric nature no one can surpass him in sex and that his woman will not have even a shadow of thought or desire be with another man. They have achieved. And he gave his consent to become asur. Many, many, many lives ago. And I became alone, without him, without my eternal couple. What made possible the recruitment to the asuras many, many lives ago, in the 62nd series from 02:56. My eternal husband was made asur. After conducting with him so-called initiation in asur, after which he ceased to be like ordinary people, he became with completely different nature. And in addition at his subtle energy body was installed some very dangerous thingy. He began to live with that asuri-woman, and for a while everything was fine, but as he was not needed for her, and they only wanted him out of the way, that asuri dumped him. And he was completely alone. After left body he many lives was in special asuric world, where he was embodied as an asur and where he had his own asuric career. About the fact that at his subtle energy body was installed some very dangerous thingy, in the 65th series from 05:56. That asur, who gave me his vile look and did all that with my eternal husband, received an open field for activity and started use force to bend me to his wishes. He did everything in his power to get me, but I was taken under protection by some other asur, the big asur, who wanted to help me. And this big asur was protecting me from that asur, whom made my eternal husband an asur and thus has separated us. Under the protection of the great powerful asur I somehow survived until the release from the then my body. And between lives I began to look for my eternal husband. I was throwing my call signs for all universes, but nowhere the response was not. Although we always were together and always his response was coming to me. But that time there was no response from anywhere, and I was very sad and lonely without him. I could do nothing, I had neither the strength nor the desire to do anything at all and somehow live at all, and then some personalities came to me between lives and said that we could not be together anymore, because he had accepted the asuric nature, and I do not and will not. And they offered to help me. And they offered me a replacement for him, so to speak, another second pair. How some personalities between lives showed me what had happened with my eternal husband, that he became an asur in some asuric worlds, and how they offered to get rid of connection with him and take a new pair, but I refused, in 159th series from 15:12. They offered me a good second pair. They showed me there, between the lives, him, what abominations he had begun to do, showed me vile dangerous thingy that had been installed on him and that he could not refuse and get rid of. I was shown him from the inside, with the asuric nature, and what he was doing in the asuric worlds. He forgot me. As soon as the manipulation on the change of nature from human to asuric was conducted with him, he forgot me completely, as if I had never been. But deep down I was still with him, because we are eternal pair and this link to remove the asuras could not, because that is the constitutional position of the soul, we have with him as the eternal couple. How some personalities between lives showed me what had happened with my eternal husband, that he became an asur in some asuric worlds, and how they offered to get rid of connection with him and take a new pair, but I refused, in the 65th series from 00:50. Those personalities who had came to me when I was between lives and was looking for him everywhere, tried to explain to me that our connection with him can not be realized in the material world, as nature we now have a completely different and incompatible, even though we with him are the eternal couple. And since I did not agree to accept the asuric nature, I could not approach him, because if I approached him, I would fall under his influence, since he is my husband and I, in my eternal position, fulfill his desires. And if I somehow approached him, he, like an asur, would make me asuri. But I did not agree categorically. And then those personalities who had came to me between my lives, offered me another man who was ready to become my new eternal couple. They said that since I am a woman in an eternal couple, I am an eternal wife, the other role is unnatural to me and I can not be alone and that I should definitely be in a couple. They found me a very good man. But I refused. How some personalities between lives showed me what had happened with my eternal husband, that he became an asur in some asuric worlds, and how they offered to get rid of connection with him and take a new pair, but I refused, in the 207th series from 29:10. After I had given up the second eternal couple that some powerful personalities had offered me between my lives, I decided to go serve the Deities on the higher heavenly planets, dance the dances of devotion. Somehow I have spent many lifetimes dancing the dances of devotion to the Deities on the higher heavenly planets. I do not know how, but I had opportunity to dance these dances for the Deity Nrisimhadev, although I was a woman all the time. And at some point, I fell in love with this Deity. And I had to Him and began to grow special feelings, as a husband, like a man. When I was dancing those dances for the Deity Nrisimhadev, I mentally was flying to Him and I was showing my love to Him. Many times I literally was entering the Deity and was dissolving in Him, feeling an extraordinary calm and peace. About that, when my eternal husband became an asur, I went to dance the dances of devotion to the Deities at the higher planets, in the 64th series from 17:12. And at some point during these dances of devotion, a call to Nrisimhadev spontaneously came out of me, «Become my husband!» And He somehow accepted this. And our relationship with Him has moved to a new level. During these dances I mentally was flying to Him, circling around Him, sat down on His knees, and He was hugging me with His hand. I was snuggling up to Him and feeling at home. This went on for a long time, and then Nrisimhadev being my husband began to fulfill my desires. I had many desires, but the main desire was to be reunited with my eternal husband, my eternal couple. When between lives I refused the other, the second eternal pair and decided to go dance the dances of devotion to the Deities at the upper heavenly planets, I buried all my thoughts and desires about my eternal husband deep in the subconscious, in the farthest corners of my mind that I could just live. And this desire was being not manifested, but Nrisimhadev, having become my husband and being God himself, knew about all my desires, and about that desire too, though I did not realize it. But to immediately fulfill my desire was not easy, since I was not going to become an asuri, and since our convergence could lead to this, I could not approach him in any way. How I became the wife of the Deity Nrisimhadev, in the 64th series from 22:22. I also had a strong desire to take revenge on the asuras for the fact that they separated the eternal couple and tore off them away from each other, completely without thinking about how I would live without him. This desire I had and grew quite long when I realized why I am not finding him although throw my callsigns into all universes. And Nrisimhadev began to fulfill my first desire, that is, to take revenge on the asuras. Even though I forgot about it. That is, I buried all these desires and thoughts far, far into the depths of my subconscious. These desires were not being manifested in my mind, but it existed. And Nrisimhadev began to consistently fulfill my desires. I wanted to personally do all this. And I had to do that. And from that moment, Nrisimhadev as my husband began to fulfill my desires. I had desires to reunite with my eternal husband, who became asur, and also to cruelly take revenge on asuras, in order to their whole world shuddered. And I became such a Mata Hari in the asuric worlds, a thunderstorm of asuras. I began to birth in asuric worlds. I have formed a team, the forces of light, the troops of light. Since Nrisimhadev himself was my husband, I had powerful protection and powerful blessings. And I began to come to the asuras into their asuric worlds to eliminate the most powerful asuras, to whom no one had access and whom made many abominations. But I had blessing get to where no one could get there. I was being born specifically to remove the strongest asur. Every time I was born, I killed a new strongest asur. Before the incarnation, everything was already envisaged, so that in me was what this asur liked. And the events took shape in such a way in order to somehow he noticed me and drew me to him. I was becoming his wife, faithful, loving him with all my heart and soul. Being born, I knew absolutely nothing about the purpose for which I was born at all. I lived like everyone else. I thought he was everything to me. But the events were specially formed in such a way as to push him towards what he liked to indulge in before meeting and marrying me. Before me, he loved, along with his friends, to have fun with sexy orgies with a lot of easy-going girls. But since I was faithful to him, chaste, naive, sincere girl, I would never go for it. But his companions-asuras and he himself already wanted this with me. And they were doing something to me. They were influencing my mind and body so that I would fall into a state that I would not be aware of reality and would be sexually liberate. And they together were fucking me using this my condition. During this I was coming out of my body and was seeing what was done to me. And when I was coming to normal state, it appeared in my thoughts as a visions. About my visits to the asuric worlds to eliminate the strongest asuras, in the 224th series from 05:15, 23:13. I was terribly afraid of these visions and ashamed of it, not telling anyone that all this comes to my mind. And I also everywhere was seeing evidence which showed that those visions were not really visions, but real facts. And at some point (it occurred every time, every such task, every embodiment, and it occurred during marital sex) in front of my eyes, all these pieces of the puzzle were forming into a very clear picture, and I clearly was realizing that those visions were actually. And then the function of destruction of asuras was turning on at me. And I was killing him during marital sex. As it was... It was ordinary marital sex. Everything was as it should, at some point I had sat at position with female superior, both front facing. And for a while everything went on, but then suddenly by itself began to emerge in my mind those visions in which I was totally uncontrollable and not aware of reality, was completely naked in the company of my husband, strongest asur, and his friends. And they all was fucking me. And there, in those visions, I behaved absolutely disgusting, from my point of view. This my depraved behavior and those situations in those visions (and there were many, not once, but very much) were completely unacceptable and simply unimaginable for me. Before the wedding I was a virgin, raised in an atmosphere of respect for her husband, submission to him and fidelity to him. I was a sincere soul and really loved my husband with all my soul. And during this fatal sex, being in position with female superior, both front facing, I was looking at him. He was relaxed under me and he was enjoying my body and my movements. And then I suddenly was remembering those creepy, shameful visions. I was beginning by some inner vision to very carefully and intently consider the flickering pictures of those visions, where I was completely naked and completely depraved, in the company of other men, whom I knew there in reality and who were good friends of my husband, strongest asur. They all knew me in real life and shown the respect to me, but in those pictures flashing on my inner screen, I pleasured them sexually, not realizing that they were completely strange men, because I was there in all of them saw only my husband and thought that everything this I do with my husband. Apparently, they somehow were affecting my consciousness and my body that I did not understand what was really going on and at the same time I was becoming lecherous, completely liberated and shameless. And also in parallel with those pictures in my thoughts immediately were surfacing episodes from real life, when I was coming across the so-called evidence, indicating that those visions took place in reality. And here we had sex, I was sitting on him and making those movements, he was lying under me and was completely relaxed. Before my inner gaze ran pictures from those visions of those sexual orgies in which I was in the lead role, so to speak, and where were friends of my husband and he himself. And all this happened with his knowledge and at his will. And then simultaneously I was remembering those clues. And all these pieces of the puzzle were standing in its place, and I was realizing that all that terrible nightmares was in fact. I was ashamed and afraid to look those visions which suddenly were appearing to me, about which I thought this is just a terrible nightmare. But now I was realizing that it was in reality with me and it was doing to me by my own husband, many times. It was doing by my beloved, my husband, who lay beneath me and enjoyed my body and my movements. And then I was feeling as I was pulling away from myself. I continued to physically perform those movements and look at lying beneath me husband, but inside me, at some internal screen from the bottom out me was coming out a bright glowing Golden phallus, as fiery energy sword. And we was changing roles with him. I was becoming an active side, in the male position, and he was becoming the host side, in the female position. And when I looked at him, lying under me and enjoying marital sex, I saw in my mind all those pictures from those visions, and these pictures were perfectly aligning with the evidence which I was seeing constantly before. I was remembering how I was scared by those evidence that reminded me about those horrible nightmares-visions, and how I was asking him, my beloved one, my husband, what it all meant, and how he was shrugging them off and saying it was all nonsense that it was unimportant details that didn't matter. Sitting on him during that sex, I was quite clearly aware that all those nightmares of those visions were reality and were organized and done by him and that he was deliberately taking my attention away from those testimonies and that all this would continue and continue many times in the future, in our with him future. How I was killing the strongest of the asuras, in 214th series from 15:50. Due to this understanding I was just getting stuck, but physically my body was doing the movements, friction, and inside I was pulling away from myself and just watched the action that was going on as if by itself. My body moved, bringing him, the strongest asur, my husband, pleasure, and at the same time from below, out my genitals, at some inner level of me came out bright glowing flame, and it was beginning to move inside the asur in time with the movements of my body. This fiery torch was moving up and down, gradually growing higher and higher, and my husband at the same time completely was losing control over himself. I watched with amazement as he, the strongest asur, my husband, whom I had studied in every detail, suddenly was losing all control of his body and just plunging into the unknown hitherto pleasure. How I was killing the strongest inaccessible to anyone asur by fiery energy beam-phallus in our marital sex, in the 92nd series from 47:00. He, as an asur, had felt a profound pleasure in sex, but then it was something completely unimaginable, as with the gradual advancement inside him this shining Golden torch at some energy, invisible level, but clearly visible and conscious level my husband as if more and more dissolved in the bliss of incredible power. When the burning torch, moving up and down inside him synchronously with the movements of my body, was reaching the level of the heart, my husband completely was losing all control over himself and it was not my husband. It was just a male body, which reached the peak of its capabilities in a sense of bliss and which was in this frenzied flow of pleasure. This bliss that was so powerful that he could not endure, completely was subjugating him and carrying away somewhere, into some completely unearthly funnel-shaped vortex, tightening inside, where there is no you, and there is only one bliss. There was only bliss, heavy bliss, enthralling deeper and deeper into itself. But my body kept moving, and to the beat of this friction this fiery torch inside my husband was rising higher and higher. And when this fire was reaching his throat, I was realizing that my husband was no longer here. But this torch continued to go down and up and was reaching the top of the prostrate body lying under me. And when that bright gold dazzling shining sword broke from the top of his head, my husband was done. It was just a shell, empty, completely lifeless shell. I was stopping my movements on the physical level, was getting off him and stilly looking at what was left of the man I loved. He was no longer there. It was just a corpse. That sword was being gone, and I was becoming myself again, just that girl. And here he was laying on his back, lifeless, just a corpse. I was looking at him someone who was my life and soul and who I killed myself. How I killed him??? Completely incomprehensible. How did this happen??? How is that even possible??? Before my eyes stood the picture, as together with the movements of my body into his body was part of some invisible to ordinary eyes, but so dazzling and seemingly solid Golden sword-phallus. And the phallus-sword was coming out from me, and I, I, I was setting him in motion by the force of my will. Mentally. And he, my husband, died after that. No, he died not after that, and during this. I was looking at him, he was dead, and remorse was flooding over me. I have not thought that everything that I saw in those horrible nightmares-visions, was a reality and was made by him, my husband. I've already forgiven him with all my heart. I forgot about that. The sight of his dead body supplanted all those bitter thoughts and realizations from my soul, and I could think only of him, my beloved who is no longer with me and who was killed, it turns out, by me. The realization that he is no longer with me and that it was I who killed him was plunging me into such a horribly bottomless black abyss of grief that I immediately was losing the desire to be at all. Even not to live, and be. Sobbing at his feet, I was prostrating and was beginning to pray. Who did I pray to? I don't know. I was praying for mercy to me, the poor woman who killed her beloved husband, and I was asking to punish me as he was punished by me. I prayed with an incredibly frantic force to someone there from above and asked for the same for myself that was with him, my beloved husband, because of me. I felt such a piercing feeling of loneliness, futility of being and regret that I was born in the white light at all, and in a frenzy I was insisting that I have no right to live any longer. And then a fire was starting inside me. I was seeing with my inner vision, which is not clear where it came from, how from below me was beginning to break out wildly burning flames, flooding me inside completely and rising higher and higher. That fire was raging inside me. At the same time, nothing was happening to my physical body, everything was as always, but I clearly was seeing with some inner vision how this violent Golden torch-fire rages inside me. This wildly burning flame was filling my entire, and I somehow was getting out of my body. All. This life had been was over. How I was leaving my body, in the 94th series from 36:28. When the function of the destruction of the asuras was turning on at me during that fatal for my husband, the strongest asur, to whom no one had access and whom was otherwise impossible to destroy, we were switching roles. He was becoming a passive, receiving side, and I was becoming an active side. Out me at the energy level was coming out the sword, fiery phallus, which synchronous with the movements of my body was moving up and down inside him and burned all his chakras and all asuric what was in him. When that fiery sword was reaching his throat chakra, everything asuric in him was burned. In principle, the work had already been done. It was enough to remove him altogether from the list of asuras, as when the flaming phallus-sword rose to his throat chakra, all the negative, all asuric was scorched from him and he couldn't have to do anything that they generally do. He was becoming totally useless for asuras. But I had to kill him completely to close that page completely, and I was pushing him out through his Sahasrara chakra. He was leaving his body, experiencing pleasure of incredible intensity. At the same time he was moving to a better existence for him. I acted as a so-called guide, opening for him the path of exaltation. And also never again could he become an asur. I had to leave the body right away to avoid the cruel violence, which would have followed, if I had stayed alive, in that body, as he was their leader. And all his chakras were burned. And all asuric in him was destroyed. This could not go unnoticed by the asuras, and I had to leave my body immediately, which was what was happening when I was struggling in sobs at his dead body and asked higher power to take me away. As my husband, Nrisimhadev was fulfilling my wishes, and this desire too. When I was getting out of the body, I immediately was falling into the hands of my loving team, there somewhere. I quickly was freeing myself from the remnants of influence of asuras to me, and, of course, was summing up the results of the operation. The strongest asur had been eliminated. The operation had been clean. And we were starting to prepare the next operation to eliminate the next strongest asur. We everything knew about him, about his habits, preferences, whims, weaknesses, desires. Everything was being prepared for me to receive such a birth and such a body, with such an attitude, appearance and behavior in order to I was irresistible to that next asur. I was becoming most nice and dependable girl, lovely and gorgeous for him. I was becoming most beautiful, sweeter girl, brighter, magnetic for him. I was becoming modest, intelligent girl, chaste and innocent. I was becoming a lovely lady of charm and sweetness, with the strength of character and the grace of warm feminity. Everything in me had been engineered in order to in his rough and hard heart the tender for me was starting to blossom and the sweet of love was more pouring into his soul. We again were hitting the bull's eye, right in the middle. And I was getting the new birth, with a new body, with a new name, with a new broadcast of himself to the world. I was growing up in an atmosphere to become such a lovely, delightful, pretty young girl on whom this next strongest asur couldn't not must have a crush. And when I had been reaching the pores of bloom of youth, I as if accidentally was coming to his attention. All the events were leading him to the same scenario as with the previous strongest Asuras, with different nuances, but with one goal: in order to he noticed me, hit on me, he brought me closer to him, became my husband... well, further on the list. All the events was beginning to develop in such a way as to make him willing to get the thrill of those orgies, which are very popular among the Asuras, and such a level of Asur, of course, had a great opportunities for their implementation. But in this case it all was fueled by the course of events... towards me. And the situation was repeating. Again was influence on me, my consciousness, body, in order to I was doing not realize the reality and was becoming the center of the entertainment of the new husband-asur. And again I was sincere pure soul, a chaste, pure and virtuous young woman, who is so sweet, so virtuous, so innocent. And again there were those visions-nightmares of those orgies, in which my husband was sharing me with his buddies and was passing me around like a bottle of cheap booze and I was shameless and an unsuspecting, did not realize the reality. And again were these evidence, indicating that the visions were not fantasies of the imagination inflamed. And again at some point was that fatal marital sex. And again during a sex position, when a woman on top, was the focused viewing and contemplation of the pictures in my mind and then the memories of those items, of the evidence and the matching of clues with pictures from visions. And again was the clear awareness that it all was actually and it will be, that he was doing this and he is not going to abandon this. And this was being done with me by my husband, whom I loved with all my heart, I, who, during life in that body knew nothing of her true identity and thought that this life is the only truth and reality. Well, then again that fiery sword-phallus was emerging out from me into inside the body of the husband lying under me and was making frictions, moving higher and higher in his body on some invisible by ordinary eyes level. And after that I was seeing the loss of his control over himself and his body, his vehement bliss during this, the breaking out of fiery sword through his Sahasrara, and the death of the one I thought my beloved, my husband, while I lived in that incarnation. And again I was asking to pick me up, as life for me was unbearable without him, again was my exit from my body. So was many times, many incarnations. Every woman is born to be happy. But I was being born to kill. The purpose of all my births was only to kill. I was being born to kill those whom no one else couldn't kill, those who must be killed according the universal laws. In those asuric worlds I had being killing the strongest of the asuras whom no one could get. Then I went to other worlds. I've become a powerful weapon, as sword Chandrahas, whose blow no one can bear. There I worked according other scenarios. There were many.
But the essence was one. It was necessary to remove, to erase the next criminal of universal scale or what a wicked creature that sat in the living beings and controlled everything. I killed such creatures, completely mercilessly and always successfully. Yes, every birth I lived as an ordinary woman, just like everyone else. I wanted happiness and did not even suspect that I live not to live and extract the droplets of happiness available here in the material world, but to ruthlessly kill someone there, because it must be done. Because I'm in the service. Because I'm such a corrector-eraser. When I was in the role of such a Mata Hari in the asuric worlds, to my husband, my eternal couple, I did not approach, so as not to fall into the zone of his influence on me. If this happened, he would try to make me an asuri or to lower my female nature. If this happened, he would start use force to bend me to his wishes, to asuras. I, of course, had a powerful protection and immunity from all of them, but what he would do with me, was unacceptable to me. But when I was being born there to kill every time the next strongest asur, being his wife, I in some points, in passing, as if casually was throwing him who had the greatest resource and power, a couple of sentences about my real husband, my eternal couple, to move him forward. And he was growing up at the asuric worlds also with my help, even though we didn’t approach each other there and we weren’t familiar. But I was having my influence on his development and promotion there in this way. After that I became an inspector of Universe Patrol, received special powers and powers and went to different other worlds to eliminate criminals of universal scale. To do this, I have acquired many qualifications and specializations. I became a guide to other, better worlds, pushing those who had no pious merits towards exaltation. I also became a great teacher, preparing for such a job those who went to such a service to erase the universal scum. I have gathered a large team of cool specialists, possess an extremely high skill set, and together we were planning and carrying out steep the operation to destroy criminals of universal scale and evil creatures. How I became an inspector of Universe Patrol, in the 180th series from 01:50. Even when my eternal husband and I were separated and even scattered across different worlds, across different parts of the Universe, our connection with each other was not interrupted for a moment. I found some possibility and ability to be always connected to him and, even being very far away from him, to read his life files, everything that happened in his life there. I knew everything, how he lived, what he did, with whom he was, where he went, what he dreamed of, what he wanted and what he suffered. But I didn't approach near him. This could not be allowed to happen. We were and continue to be an eternal couple, and I am, as a woman, in a subordinate role. And he's an asur. During millions lives as an asur he is far advanced in his asuric career, has gained many asuric qualifications and he, at our rapprochement with him, would certainly use his abilities to lower my female nature and to drop me rock bottom. But since I am his eternal wife, he would be sent to hell for that, for his Dharma is to protect me as his wife, the eternal, real, true wife. But he would conduct their asuric policy of oppression of women to make them obedient performers of their will, for which he would inevitably wait for a quick cruel punishment. But I could not allow such a development of events, and I was waiting for the case that will help me. He was an asur, I was the destroyer of asuras and of all sorts of wicked creatures. And it would go on forever. But then Srila Prabhupada came to Earth and brought a window into the spiritual world. So I decided to go into the spiritual world. Since I am a powerful weapon for the destruction of all things wicked and an inspector of the Universe Patrol, I have done a lot of operations to eliminate inhuman scum and I have seen a lot. And I am so sick of this material world for a long time. But there was no real way out of here. But Srila Prabhupada had come. Everyone in my team, in the troops of light, though loved me and even though I was as a wife Nrisimhadev invulnerable and powerful weapon, agreed with my decision. During the many lives when I was coming to destroy the universe's criminals and then exalted them, I've seen a lot. I have become a very necessary and important weapon, unique and irreplaceable to some extent, as I have gained many powerful blessings, abilities, qualifications and specializations in order to lead to success any task set for me and my team. In all these operations I was playing a major role in which I was acting in this role of Scheherazade. I was taking the heat. I was trusting, naive soul, the main principle of whom was trust, trust relationship. And I was coming with that attitude to those who were supposed to take advantage of this and try to degrade me, to abuse my trust, in order to I at some point figured it out and I active my function to destroy all evil. I have seen many dirty in my role of such a powerful weapon. And I had no desire at all to enjoy the material world and to try to extract the drops of nectar from it. I was just doing my job. Yes, when I was being born, I was knowing nothing about who I really was, and I, like everyone here, wanted happiness for myself. And I was longing for happiness and was seeking to happiness. But in fact, my true desires were not the thirst for pleasure, but simply the successful completion of my work, service for cleanse the world and protect living beings from those who have exceeded their authority too much and must be stopped. And it would go on forever. But here came the news that Srila Prabhupada was going to come to Earth and bring a window into the spiritual world for everyone. I, being there, somewhere between lives, learned about it and decided that I should definitely take this chance. I decided to desert my service and go into the spiritual world, accepting this favor, by which Srila Prabhupada generously gave to all. But I had a desire to take my eternal husband with me, who had been an asur for such a long time. And I told to my team of the forces of light about my desire. They certainly respected my desire to return into the spiritual world. Even though I was very much needed and even though I am such a unique and irreplaceable specialist. But I did a lot and had the right to choose. And this choice was correct. And if the soul wants to return into the spiritual world, it has every right to do so. But they were against me to come any closer and speak to my eternal husband. I've kept in touch with him all these lives. And they knew all about him, too. And we had so many successful operations to eliminate asuras, knew them thoroughly. And they didn't want me to put myself through that test, because he's my eternal husband, he's my husband, and I'm his wife. And the emotions that I would experience if I showed myself to him and approached him would be very, very strong. I have immunity and training, of course, but still my team didn't want me to look back at him, my husband. They thought that if I decided to go into the spiritual world, then for God's sake. But without him. They insisted that I leave him here in the material world. But I held my ground. And then Krishna, Krishna himself, said that He agreed with me and that I should give him, my eternal husband, a chance. Krishna said that I have to come to him and reveal to him everything about us, everything about him, everything or almost everything about me and where I'm going. Krishna said to give him a chance. And my team accepted it. I made a plan to make it happen in real life, and I started to make it happen. About the fact that I came to my eternal husband to give a chance, in the 151st series from 06:04. This plan included many points. A lot of preparatory work was done so that the other persons involved in all this history would be embodied on Earth during our birth with my eternal husband. This plan also included shedding light and telling the world the true story of how I was born many times at asuric worlds in the role of Mata Hari. The asuras, after a number of such operations, carried out by me and my team, realized that this all was doing by the same woman, and they completely misunderstood it all. I was going to severely punish all those who were somehow guilty of interrupting the unity of our couple, so that from now the asuras would be more careful and not go beyond what was allowed. I was also going to decapitate the asuric organization, in that composition in which it will be presented during all this action on the planet Earth. I was going to expunge completely, from the live those of them who thought that they were allowed everything and that get away with it. I was going to expunge completely those who because of this made a lot of abominations here on our planet. And I was going to delete them from the list of asuras, and to do this in front of all the asuras, so to speak, publicly. Also I was going to say to all the asuras that they are not asuras, but the souls, whom has now a real chance to escape from the trap of the material world and return into spiritual world. I was going to show them the path back home to God and amply give them the realization how this way is powerful and really effective. I was also going to serve Srila Prabhupada, using my own opportunities and mandate. I wanted to somehow repay Srila Prabhupada for coming and giving my eternal husband and I a chance to get closer here in the material world, in a situation where otherwise it would be completely unacceptable because of our different and, moreover, completely opposite nature, because he is asur, and I am the Slayer of the asuras. I wanted to thank Srila Prabhupada for his coming and for his selfless mission here made it possible for my eternal husband and I to be reunited and return together into the spiritual world. I had a lot of points in my extensive plan. And I was born especially for this purpose — to carry out this plan and to give my eternal husband, who lived many lives as asur, the opportunity to become with me again and go into the spiritual world. And here I was born and got the name Svetlana. At the age of 29 I received a spiritual name Vinodavani. I was in ISKCON for many years, and then I moved away to start implementing this plan. To do this, I had to lower my standards, in order to that those asuras who were included in that my plan, fell for what my image was broadcasting to outside, and also in order to they had went according to my scenario. And it happened. Everything was done so that the leader of the Moscow asuric organization noticed me and began to interact with me. When this interaction reached my desired point, it was over, I married my third husband, had two children and did what was stipulated in our contract, at the level of higher self, in other areas, then arranged everything so that this page is also finished, and I went to where my real husband lived, who incarnated, as I here, as an ordinary-looking person. And so it took a long time, and my plan has entered its main phase. I had to start my interaction with my eternal husband, and I came to the karate coach to learn all about his group. And during that conversation, my husband started interacting with me through that karate coach, and so began the main phase of bringing my plan to life. We started interacting with him. After a million lives away from each other.
Part 1 And here after a divorce from my third husband I moved to the city of my youth, closer to my parents and my real husband, to give him a chance. I bought a small apartment, the children began to go to school. And here January 25, 2016 (in my novel I will be including dates for chronology) a friend of mine took me to talk to coach karate, who was engaged to her son. She highly recommended this sports section, and I was comfortable with this karate section: and next to the house, and the children would go there three times a week in the evenings for 1.5 hours each class, and physical training, and yet it can help in life. We went with my lady friend, I began to ask my questions to the coach, there were a lot of questions. My lady friend left, and we talked to the trainer something about an hour. It is rare to find such people with whom there is something to talk about. I had enjoyed an interesting conversation. I decided to sign children up for this sports section karate, I was satisfied with all his answers. After this conversation, I began to notice for myself some strange things. I work at home on the computer. Children spend half a day at school, in the evening on karate or play their games. No one else at home usually happens, but I began to catch myself on the fact that I began to behave as if someone was looking at me. And as if this someone is a man. But we had no men at home. My behavior was amazing me. Why would I suddenly behave as if there is a man in the house and I'm trying to like him? I wanted to wear more beautiful clothes, I began to look at myself in the mirror in a special way, catch myself thinking that I'm trying to like someone and this is a man. I began to catch myself thinking about myself. Suddenly I became interested in my rings, began to constantly look at my jewelry. And I began to do it with some new feeling for me, as if I were asked to show them more often. About connecting to me man, in the 1st series from 01:10:50. I did not understand my behavior, but I saw that I, being at home all alone, do everything to attracted to some man whom is here in the room, no. I behaved as if a man was looking at me who I wanted to like, although no one except me was home. I tried to impress him. No one was with me, but my behavior was showing that he is here with me. Looking at my obvious attempts to attract someone’s attention to me as a woman, I began to think that there was someone with me. Someone who looks at me from inside and out. At the same time, I began to see in my correspondence with other people that I communicate with the one who had come to me. Through my own words, sent to other people, I began to find the embedded completely different meaning, and I saw that I through these meanings communicate with him. As if through those embedded in my own words very different meanings I'm tell him about myself. I was so surprised! In one such letter, completely innocent and purely on business, after sending it to the addressee I found out that there I told in an encrypted form literally everything about myself in sex. I was shocked. About the development of events after his connection to me, in the 1st series from 01:10:50. I had the impression that I write to someone, send, and then he, who is not next to me, but somewhere is, pushes me to read my own letter and opens to me the meaning of my own words written by me. And I see such meanings in those words there that I just feel ashamed, and I was begging: «Lord, make sure that this person does not see these hidden meanings that I now see». That is, it was turning out as if I through the words in correspondence with other people tell him, the one who suddenly appeared so invisibly with me, about myself. And he also opens my eyes to it. And here is one of those letters ended with the words «the other day I will finish». I wrote to someone that I will finish this amount of work the other day. But my mind reeled with these thoughts: «I will finish, finish, finish, finish» («на днях закончу, закончу, закончу, кончу, кончу…»). In Russian, the word «кончить» («to finish») has several meanings. One of them is «complete some work», and the other meaning is «I will get an orgasm». And my mind was reeling with thoughts about an orgasm. And indeed, the other day I «finished», that is, experienced an orgasm. To this all and was conducted. With knowledge, I was led to this final, to «finish», to orgasm. And this man brought me to this final, to whom I came to give him a chance. During a conversation with a karate coach, I, without knowing it, gave at allegorical language the information about myself that I fit their criteria as their victim. My real husband, who lived for many years as an asur, interacted with me through coach in order to get information about me and to get my consent, about which I knew nothing here, but which was embedded in the words I was uttering. He was able to get my consent that he has the right to begin to carry out activities to suppress me and subjugate me and my will, so that I began to fulfill all that he and his fellows-asuras from his organization would want. He plugged onto me, and I had known that from my behavior. In my head began to rush all sorts of thoughts about sex, with different pictures on this topic, but I was brushing aside this, because it has long been free from this and felt easy and comfortable without every presence of sex in my life. About his impact on me, in the 1st series from 01:27:50. But at the first conversation with the trainer I, looking to him in eyes, allegorically told my husband who looked at me from eyes of the trainer that I fit their criteria, that he has the right to get me trapped and pursue his policy of throw-in in my thoughts sexual desires. But he did not succeed. And when, after the first karate lesson, the coach told me that it's difficult with my son, and asked how I cope with him, I said him that I cope with him by force methods, that is, I discipline him. He, my husband, who through the coach interacted with me, from these words he realized that I would give in only after the impact of force methods on me. Ordinary measures (thoughts and pictures in my mind on a sexual topic) did not have the desired effect on me, and I, not knowing what kind of question and to whom I answer, told him through the coach that with me it is necessary by force, and he activated force methods. In spite of everything, I had wanted to have sex with him, and I lay down on the sofa before going to bed for masturbation. More about his impact on me, in the 3rd series from 16:20. I have not had sex for a long time. And even masturbation I have long ceased to engage. I have long decided to quit sex forever. But he very actively carried out a massive attack on me with thrown into my mind the thoughts about sex and the pictures to warm up sexual desire. He also pressed hard on the buttons in my women's centers at the energy level, which activate sexual desire. By that time I had already turned my attention to my unusual behavior and, after brainstorming in my mind, I came to the conclusion that the only logical conclusion from all that I observed was that somewhere there is a real man who knows how to plug onto people and interact through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy level. I saw that I was looking at myself in the mirror with a completely different look, as if I was trying to like, and then I saw this massive attack on me with the heating of my sexual desire, and I thought that here he is, some man who I want to like, wants sex with me, even without physical contact. I thought that if I was trying to get him to like me, then that's my man. Why should I try to like someone else??? It's illogical and completely meaningless. And I, looking at my own behavior, made such a conclusion that the one who had plugged onto me is my man who was supposed to come to me. I clearly realized that all these thoughts and pictures about sex for a reason and that this is his thing. I thought that if he wants sex with me, why not try? And I decided to agree. More about his impact on me, in the 4th series from 18:00. I took out the lubricant and began to masturbate trying to please myself. Different women do it in different ways. Someone enough just mechanical some action, someone needs to imagine something. This is not enough for me, since my sexual sensations turn on when meditating on a particular man. I need to tune in to the specific man I want to be with. I wanted to be with him, with this man who showed me that he wants to be with me. But I didn't know if I had the right to tune in to him. I mechanically did everything that is usually done during masturbation, but I could not afford to tune in to him, though aware that he came to me somehow in such a strange way and wants to be with me and I do not mind with him to do it. But no sexual sensations were turned on, since I did not give myself permission to tune in to him. He stood before my inner sight, but my own nature screamed that I did not know anything about him. And if he has a woman, then I have no right to even look at him. And then no sex with him can not be. Yes, this is masturbation, I just masturbate, but it is not. I am doing it only because of him. He wanted sex with me. But we are separated by distance. For some reason, he did not come to me in physical reality. And in this case, sex between people separated by distance, can only be in the form of masturbation. And for me it was not masturbation, but sex. But who is this sex with? If he has a woman, then I have no right to that. And I did not allow myself to tune in to him. And then on my internal screen began to sweep the pictures with those men who I knew in the past, with whom I was or who I just liked. But I brushed aside all of them. I did not want to be with them. I wanted to imagine him, that my man, that come to me in such a strange way, but I could not afford it. And then his voice sounded very clearly in my head. It was not my voice, not the voice of my mind, I had heard the male voice in my head quite clearly, which I clearly identified as his voice. It was my man's voice. It was his, not the voice of some fictional man. And he actually said in his voice that I could tune in to him. I immediately believed him and gave that voice my trust. I tuned in to him. I tuned in to the image that stood in front of my inner gaze, everything turned on as if it was real sex with a real man. And I had an orgasm. I got a gratifying sexual release, after which I buried myself in a pillow and began to cry, that I'm so unhappy that I have to do this. And suddenly on my internal screen right in front of my nose I saw someone's dick who wanted me to give him a blowjob. And behind him on my internal screen was a bunch of men with protruding dicks who wanted to enjoy sex with me, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy level. They all were pushing at me, as if to say, «Don't stop! Come on, suck it! Hurry up, let's go! We all want to fuck you, slut!» They were all standing in front of my inner gaze and kind of pushing me to have sex with all of them. It really enraged me, and I threw them all away from me with an effort of will. I even had seen me throw them away from me and they flew off somewhere. Waking up in the morning, I saw him on my inner screen, only him. And we had morning sex with him. But without the appearance of some movements, but only mentally. He and I were there inside my thoughts and doing it. And it was very successful. It's like we've been together for a long time and like normal for me and him to have morning family sex. But only in mind. Absolutely without external manifestations. But it was not enough for him, and he tightened force methods. He pressed some point in my energy body that turns on the mode of incessant estrus, like at a female animal during the period of fertilization. Like at animals. And this was getting stronger and stronger every day. I no longer masturbated, but something incredible began to happen to my body. This sexual desire began to grow stronger with terrible force, I looked at myself from the side and did not understand what it is at all why. But this is not enough. There were signs on the physical level, really like at a dog during heat, during the period of fertilization. I was looking at myself from the side and was horrified: I have signs of heat, the juices flowing, like a dog!!! EW!!! What an abomination!!! About force methods, in the 4th series with 20:00, 25:00, 27:00, 37:00. I've never had anything like this in my life, it's unnatural for me. Because it was real on a purely animal level. They tried to influence my body on the animal level, trying to lower me to the level of an animal. But I'm not like that. I've never been like this in my life. Yes, what is sexual desire, I know, this is normal, but here it was completely different. It was like they turned on some kind of button to affect the body like to an animal. But I'm not this body. I am a spiritual soul, I sing mantras, I listen to bhajans, I love Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha, and I pray to all the saints, and suddenly in me, in a human being, is estrus like at a dog or a cat. With all that it implies. And literally. Something smelly flows from my genitals, and because of this, I have to constantly change my panties, as they are really wet and disgusting smelly. And it does not look like human bodily manifestations. This is identical to what flows from the female dog or cat during the fertilization period. I have not had sex for a long time, for many years. I lead a clean lifestyle. Yes, with vaginal dysbacteriosis and yeast infection are similar symptoms. But I, like many women, have an idea about these symptoms. In this case, it does not look like anything. There are also persistent obsessive thoughts about sex. It seems that these thoughts were thrown into my mind. These thoughts are not mine, someone from outside has thrown these thoughts into my mind. I got that impression. And the feeling of sexual tension. As if there is a button in my body that is responsible for sexual languor and now it is under pressure and not released. That's what I felt and saw in myself. It really pissed me off. I was just furious. I realized that it is the influence from outside on me. It was an attack, astral, energy, still what attack.... But attack. Of me wanted to make bitch during period of estrus, like a female animal during the period of fertilization. Of me wanted to make female individual who doesn't care with whom to fuck, for whom the main thing is that this terrible sexual tension is as soon as possible passed, at least on a little. What an abomination! I told my lady friend who was doing Agni yoga at the time, and she told me to appeal to the overlords of Moriya and to complain about those who did this to me. She gave me a prayer to appeal to them, and I sincerely complained in this prayer to the overlords of Moriya. I said, «In the name of I AM THAT I AM I invoke the action of the thread connecting me with Master El Morya. Master El Morya, please, help me in my situation (I imagined my situation in detail). Help me to find a Divine solution for my situation and give me the help which the Supreme Law permits you to give». I asked them to free me from this pressure on me, completely remove it and punish those who did this to me. But I asked not to touch him, the man who came to me and whom I began to feel and who told me that I could tune in to him. About my appeal to overlords of Moriya, in the 4th series at 40:00. Less than half an hour after addressing the overlords of Moriya with that prayer and request, the demand to remove all this and to punish those who attacked me, it was gone. All those signs of heat, of an rush of lust disappeared, as if they had never been. I relieved to be and began to finally back on the road to recovering my old life. And then I clearly realized that it was the influence from the outside, causing me those low-lying heated sexual desires that are not really mine, and them. I had seen the picture: he is in my mind, he is in the eyes of other people, and he did with me. It was him. When I had took the children to the first karate class, after the class the coach said that with my son is difficult. And he asked me how I am handling him. I said that I am handling him with the use of force methods. I meant the rigor, discipline. The coach said, «Maybe there is some choice?» I didn't answer anything and looked down. After this conversation, I began to feel some pressure on myself. Thoughts began to appear in my mind with images that heated sexual desire, from my past, from everywhere. There was the impression that an attack had been launched against me with the aim of leading me out of my quiet comfort and seclusion, in which there was no place for such desires for a long time. But these low-lying desires for sex were clearly visible through everything. I didn't know what it was. But they diligently pushed me in order to make me masturbate, and after that to have sex with some man or some men in real life. Thus began our with my eternal husband interaction in this life. He plugged onto me through that coach and started use force to bend me to his wishes, to his team. For several days they put pressure on me by the intensification of sexual desire, palming off thoughts and pictures on this subject, and then activate at me a mode of incessant oestrus, like at a female animal during the period of fertilization. And when I realized that this is completely out of the ordinary phenomenon and clearly the influence from outside, I at the urgent advice of my lady friend sent an angry demanding, so to speak, a letter to the overlords of Moriya. I read the entire text of the prayer she sent me, and then imagined the whole situation and really saw how from my forehead at the mental, fine-material level came some bloc of information and swept to the distance, where I felt these lords by my inner compass. Almost immediately everything stopped. Really as with a wave of a magic wand. Like someone was holding the button recessed and it all was intensifying and then the hand was removed from the button and instantly all gone. Everything disappeared really in a flash, after about 20–30 minutes after that block of condensed information came out of me. It was such a vivid contrast, between what I felt and saw in my body, between these terrible signs of dog heat, like at a female animal during the period of fertilization, and the complete calm and blissful calm afterward. It couldn't have been an illusion. Signs of heat, like at a female animal during the period of fertilization, and were manifested in my body on a physical level. These symptoms was intensifying for several days in a row, as if really someone from the outside pressed a button in my body, the existence of which I did not even know, and was twisting spring stronger and stronger, in order to I broke and started masturbating. And during my masturbation, all his associates were going to fuck me, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy level, and pump my feminine energy and pious merits out of me. But my such strong appeal to the overlords of Moriya destroyed all their plans and all their idea of their power and, so to speak, well-established technology. But this was not all from those awareness and shocks that came to them from me. I was seeing it with my own eyes. From my genitals flowed and smelled continuously. This heat and a sharp nasty smell suggested a thought about some venereal disease or vagina dysbacteriosis, but I didn’t have anything of that. I have not had any sex with anyone for many years. At the gynecologist, I regularly checked. And immediately after that, I checked with the gynecologist. All tests were clean. But my panties had to be changed every half hour, because panties just became wet and disgusting smelly. And at the same time I was felling constantly increasing sexual languor in my body. And pictures about sex constantly appeared in my mind. Although I did not need it. It looked as if it was not me, but someone from the outside causing this state to me. At one time we lived a dog, the dog periodically had estrus. And I was seeing that what happens to me is identical to the heat of the dog. And this state intensified in me, as if someone invisible tightens the spring, the bolt on the nut. It looked like I was an animal, not a human, although I lived, thought and realized everything as a human. I was seeing that in me they intentionally do this so that I become like those dogs female individuals, which stand on the street and wait for them to be fucked by male dogs crowding around her and waiting for their turn. But when I realized that it was under pressure from me, that it was such an attack on me, I turned for help to overlords of Moriya. And when I did this, immediately all the signs of estrus disappeared, although before that it only increased. And I really felt that the desire, which is not clear where it came from and began to put pressure on me, was gone, as at the click of fingers. It was a strong contrast. Prior to this appeal to the overlords of Moriya, I had wet and smelly panties and constantly increasing pressure on me to start masturbating or go looking for some man to have sex with him. But as soon as I turned to overlords of Moriya, half an hour had not passed, as it all passed without a trace. My panties became dry and clean, all the obscene pictures in my mind were gone, and there was no sexual desire at all. Complete calm. And between these events was no more than half an hour. Very sharp contrast. I told about it to my lady friends. Certainly. I, as an ordinary woman, with any problem running to complain to my lady friends. And here I did the same. I have two very close lady friends whom I can trust with my most intimate, most paradoxical and out of the ordinary experiences and realizations, and I turned to both of them. Both my lady friends told me that it was a clear attack on me and that whoever did this to me would be severely punished. And they both told me to start praying for him, to chant the Hare Krishna mantra for him, so that Krishna would help him, protect him, and lead him to the right path. For me, this idea seemed irrational, but then I remembered one event that happened to me when I was still in Moscow.<