My Roman. I’m asur’s wife. PrefaceСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ My Roman. I’m asur’s wife Preface In the spring of 2017, I started recording a series of videos about me and my eternal husband, who many lives ago had been became an asur. In my videos I told how in this life we began interacting at a distance. People call it telepathic communication. But in our case this is not telepathy at all. These are simply abilities that are inherent in asuras. They know how to connect to people and interact with them at a mental, energy level, through distance, without contact of physical bodies. In my videos, I began to talk about such an interesting and unusual way of our interaction and about the development of our relations. In my videos I told the story of our love, our separation, and our attempt at reunification. And I decided to show this story the world. In this story, there is mutual love, eternal couple, the asuras, manipulations of consciousness, interaction at a distance, the exposing the hidden deepening of the asuric influence and the spread of asuras in our human world and elimination asuras from the list of asuras and sending them already as devotees of Krishna into their future lives with the return then into the spiritual world. A big role in the development of this story was played by the screenshots from the TV series «Mahabharata», which I installed on my computer’s desktop for this purpose and which replaced each other at random every 30 seconds. These screenshots introduced an element of surprise, spontaneity, originality and identity, and even were dictating the development of our relations with him. These screenshots acted as signs of the Universe. I apologize for the mistakes made in exposition of history, simple words, and grammatical mistakes. I am not a writer and I am unlikely to become one. I'm just a chronicler. I just told in my own words what was in my life. I did not have a task to embellish something. I will say straight away that in this story there are many episodes related to Krishna consciousness, so if this topic is not close to someone, then simply do not read and do not look. I told about myself, this topic is close to me, so it is present in this story, as a important part of my life. As for the definition who are asuras, this is not some ordinary people with the consciousness of the enjoyer, but invasion of asuras, who live in their distant worlds in the Universe and have great mystic power, but trying to infiltrate in among us and are born here as human beings. But their asuric abilities are not ordinary. It’s much cooler than psychic stuff and esoteric stuff. These asuras, being born among us, are living as very nice, educated, cultured outwardly people, all very charming and inspiring boundless trust. But this is only an external impression. In fact they are all softy and good on the outside and a fierce and terrible on the inside. But I will not go into the details of that here. For whom it's interesting, read, look, think. I am sure it will bring many discoveries and will be useful. If I hurt someone's feelings or hurt someone, I humbly apologize. I did not have such a goal. This is just a story about the events of my life. I am the same person as everyone else, and I have the right to my vision of life and my worldview, which may not meet someone’s expectations. I do not be surprised if this story becomes the basis of the chic blockbuster «My Roman. I’m asur’s wife». I think that Hollywood will once make this film although I did record my videos at all not for this. But I see that this movie can totally getting made. Hollywood, of course, will the movie gets made very cool, with special effects, spectacularly and very interesting. Rejoice dear ones! You’re in luck! The blockbuster is not yet filmed and the movie hasn't even come out, and Hollywood does not even suspect that they will to make a blockbuster about Shri Ram, who is an asur, and about Svetlana Vinodavani, who is the Slayer of the asuras and an inspector of the Universe Patrol. It will be a movie about this eternal couple, which for many lives has been divided, and now reunites to leave the material world and return into the spiritual world. Hollywood screenwriters haven't found this story yet, and you already have the opportunity to find out what will be there at all. I myself would be very interested to see this blockbuster, because all this happened in my life. I wonder how Hollywood will present this story, what kind of actress will play me. I have a wish for Hollywood. Let they will write in the credits that this film is based on real events.