Team L: Japan and UK. User group. Faculty. Education year⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14 Team L: Japan and UK Anna Shirokova <ann.sh1515@gmail.com> To:mgtccc@yahoo.com Mon, Apr 20 at 3:23 PM Good afternoon! We've chosen Japan and United Kingdom for our country comparison project. Team members: Ivanova Alina, Shirokova Anna and Shakhtarin Maxim.
Team M: UK and Germany Шмайцер Кристина Станиславовна <ksshmaytser@edu. hse. ru> To:mgtccc@yahoo.com Mon, Apr 20 at 6:09 PM Sergeeva Anastasia, Kristina Shmaytser, Nikita Glebov countries: UK and Germany
Team O: China and Russia Никита Торбеев <ndtorbeev@gmail. com> To:mgtccc@yahoo.com Mon, Apr 20 at 8:17 PM China and Russia Torbeev Nikita Speshilov Yaroslav Никита Торбеев <ndtorbeev@gmail. com> To:mgtccc@yahoo.com Tue, Apr 21 at 1:02 PM Can we add one more person to our group? Azat Ambartsumyan China and Russia Torbeev Nikita Speshilov Yaroslav
Team P: Norway and Switzerland Александра Иванцова <sasha.ivantcova.10@mail.ru> To:mgtccc@yahoo.com Tue, Apr 21 at 12:00 AM Good afternoon, our group is the following: Ivantsova Alexandra (BMN177), Nadezhda Maitakova( BMN 176) and Alisa Melnikova (BMN 173)We have chosen the following countries for comparison: Norway and Switzerland
User group |
Faculty |
Education year | |||
A | ABBASGULIEV R. M. (rmabbasguliev@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
ABUGAZALE A. A. (aaabugazale@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
ALEKSEEV V. A. (vaalekseev@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
O | AMBARTSUMYAN A. A. (aaambartsumyan@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
F | ANDREEVA A. S. (asandreeva_10@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
BELODED N. R. (nrbeloded@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
Brave M. -. (mvalente@edu.hse.ru) | N MCC IS19-SPB | Center for International Cooperation | |||
BYCHKOVSKIY I. D. (idbychkovskiy@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BMN172C | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
E | Cairo M. -. (mcairo@edu.hse.ru) | N MCC IS19-SPB | Center for International Cooperation | ||
Christodoulou C. -. (cchristodoulou@edu.hse.ru) | N MCC IS19-SPB | Center for International Cooperation | |||
DEBERDEEVA A. M. (amdeberdeeva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
J | DURNOBRAGOVA E. R. (erdurnobragova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
FILATOV V. V. (vvfilatov_1@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
C | GALLYAMOVA D. R. (drgallyamova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
C | GAYAZETDINOVA L. A. (lagayazetdinova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
M | GLEBOV N. P. (npglebov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM176S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
A | GOGOLEVA A. M. (amgogoleva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
D | IPATOVA D. A. (daipatova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
ISAKOVA A. S. (asisakova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BMN172C | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
L | IVANOVA A. I. (aiivanova_3@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
P | IVANTSOVA A. D. (adivantsova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
J | KOTSILOV M. E. (mekotsilov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
B | KUCHMASOVA A. E. (aekuchmasova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
A | KURILOV B. N. (bnkurilov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
G | KUZNETSOVA S.E. (sekuznetsova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
K | LESCHEV P. I. (pileschev@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM176S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
B | LOZITSKAYA A. P. (aplozitskaya@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
MATORNYY Y.A. (yuamatornyy@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
MATROKHIN N. O. (nomatrokhin@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
MayorOV I. E. (iemayorov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
MAYTAKOVA N. R. (nrmaytakova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM176S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
MAZURIK E. Y. (eyumazurik@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
P | MELNIKOVA A. S. (asmelnikova_2@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
Merian A. -. (amerian@edu.hse.ru) | M DESCRIPTION IS19 | International Student Mobility Centre | |||
MININA V. D. (vdminina@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
MUSIICHENKO A. N. (anmusiychenko@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
D | PETROVSKAYA E. S. (espetrovskaya@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
POLIYCHUK M. I. (mipoliychuk@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
Pollet T. -. (tpollet@edu.hse.ru) | N MCC IS19-SPB | Center for International Cooperation | |||
PROSOVA A. M. (amprosova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
RASKIN D. G. (dgraskin@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
RYZHANKOVA A. D. (adryzhankova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
SANKOV E. I. (eisankov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
SANTAEVA A. A. (aasantaeva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM176S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
F | Santamaria Jose <santamariajosedaniel@icloud.com> | ||||
SANTAMARIYAPENYA K. -. (khsantamariyapenya@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
SAVCHENKO A. V. (avsavchenko@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
SELYANKO A. S. (asselyanko@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
SEMENOVA A. A. (aasemenova_7@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
L | SHAKHTARIN M. I. (mishakhtarin@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
L | SHIROKOVA A. I. (aishirokova_2@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
G | SHIRYAEVA A. V. (avshiryaeva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
M | SHMAYTSER K. S. (ksshmaytser@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
F | SIMANGO M. -. (msimango@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM171S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
O | SPESHILOV Y.S. (yasspeshilov@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
STROEVA M. A. (mastroeva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM173S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
K | SVETASHEVA P. D. (pdsvetasheva@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM176S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
H | The Khaouda W. -. (welkhaouda@edu.hse.ru) | N MCC IS19-SPB | Center for International Cooperation | ||
O | TORBEEV N. D. (ndtorbeev@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
TSERTSVADZE G. L. (gltsertsvadze@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM175S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | ||
C | VORONOVA E. V. (evvoronova@edu.hse.ru) | N SPB SHAM BM174S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course | |
Иванов А. В. (avivanov_5@edu. hse. ru) | N SPB SHAM BM188S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 2nd course | ||
ТЕМИРБЕКОВА Ж. Т. (zhttemirbekova@edu. hse. ru) | N SPB SHAM BM177S | Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics | 3rd course |
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