Important inventions of the 20th century: NO INVENTION IS PERFECT!
Important inventions of the 20th century: NO INVENTION IS PERFECT!
Vocabulary:to invent a gadget/ to make a discovery/ to have a great influence on humanity/ to influence positively and negatively/ a game changer = a turning point of …(кардинальная перемена, поворотный момент)/ to change overnight – to change quickly/ suddenly; render territories radioactive (делать …радиоактивными)/ powerful remedy – сильнодействующее лекарство (средство)/ build up tolerance - вызывать привыкание/impose will and ideas on the people – навязывать свою волю и идеи людям (народу)/ malware – вредоносная программа.
7) Nuclear power
+ a power source that doesn’t pollute the environment
| -it can be used to create the most dangerous and destructive weapons
| +it isalmost unlimited
| -in the hands of incompetent people nuclear power plants can render enormous territories radioactive causing deadly diseases
6) Personal computers
+PCs have made our life more convenient and fun
| -we have become too dependenton them and many people can hardly do without them
| +we can track our finances, buy and sell items and services, get education and professional medical advice without leaving home
| -theyare likely to change our lifestyle from active to more sedentary, causing obesity and overweight
| +Pcs allow many people to work from home, which is vitally important for the disabled and those who live in remote places where it’s hardly possible to be employed.
| -sitting long hours in front ofPCs badly influences vision and causes problems with our backbone (which is responsible for functioning of many organs in people’s body)