For a new ethos ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 For a new ethos Sooner or later, the COVID-19 pandemic will recede. What kind of Canada will be left in its wake, and what transformations should we demand to help shape Canada’s future? The current economic crisis and the impending recession/depression are on everyone’s mind. As unemployment soars, and incomes and living standards nosedive, we demand that the interests of the vast majority of working people, the poor, the marginalized be protected. We urge the Government not to once again institute bailouts and subsidies to the corporations, the banks and the privileged minority. The current crisis must not be used to shift wealth from working people to the corporate elite. The sign of the maturity and compassion of any society is how it treats its most vulnerable, marginalized and deprived. This means ending the colonial and genocidal abuse of indigenous peoples, raising wages and real incomes of working people, guaranteeing comprehensive healthcare and education for all, eradicating poverty, providing affordable and subsidized housing, defending democratic, social and human rights, and protecting our environment for present and future generations. More fundamentally, it means changing the ethos – the defining principles and characteristics – of our society, placing the interests of the many, of the collective good, above those of the privileged and wealthy. Canada needs to practice this new ethos at home, and advocate for it internationally. These are some of the real lessons we should draw on from the current pandemic and demands around which we need to organize and act.
Executive Committee, Canadian Peace Congress March 31, 2020 For more information about this statement, please contact Miguel Figueroa, President of the Canadian Peace Congress, at info@canadianpeacecongress.ca.