A time for international cooperation, not forA time for international cooperation, not for finger-pointing and ‘cold war’ rhetoric The global reach of COVID-19 demonstrates once again that all humanity shares a common future. This virus knows no borders; it touches all, regardless of language, culture, ethnicity, financial or social status, gender, age or national origin. Like the threat of nuclear war and global warming, this newest threat can only be overcome through genuine international cooperation, friendship and solidarity amongst all peoples around the world. We must oppose isolationism, national chauvinism and exclusivity, groundless “cold war”-style accusations and finger-pointing, and the promotion of xenophobia, racism and intolerance. And we must speak out firmly wherever such behavior raises its ugly head. We appreciate and thank those countries – especially Cuba, Russia and China – which have reached out to many other peoples and countries with concrete assistance, including scientific experts and much needed medical staff and supplies. This is true internationalism in action, and we call on the Canadian government, and all governments, to follow suit. In this regard, Canada must end its illegal and punitive economic sanctions against Venezuela, Iran, Syria, North Korea and a number of other countries. Regardless of their intent, the reality is that these sanctions mostly impact civilian populations, spreading suffering and deprivation amongst millions. Canada must also speak out forcefully against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. End all the Sanctions NOW!