Be polite in English. Приветствия. Прощания. DIALOGUESСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Be polite in English 1) Приветствия Good morning! Hi! при рукопожатии и первом знакомстве людей:
поздоровавшись, мы спрашиваем, как дела у человека или как он поживает. В этом вам помогут выражения:
ответы на них:
2) Прощания - Good bye / See you / See you soon / See you later. – Пока, до скорого, увидимся. Пожелания на дорожку (для трепетных/внимательных/вежливых) Take care! – Берегите себя DIALOGUES - Hello, George. Pleased to meet you. How are you? - Hi, Nick. I'm fine, thanks. And how are you? - Thanks, not so well. - How do you do, Mr Brown? It's nice to meet you. I'm Dick Smith, your new student. - How do you do, Nick. Glad to meet you too. Where are you from? - I'm from Brighton. - Hello, Kate. This is my friend, Fred Black. - Hello, Fred. Glad to meet you. I'm Kate. - Hello, Kate. How nice to meet you. - Excuse me, Jack, what's your friend's name? - His name is David. - Where is he from? - He is from Cardiff. - You see, I'm from Cardiff too. Best regards to him. - Good - bye, Helen. Hope to see you again soon. - Good - bye, John. Best regards to your sister. - Thanks. - Is Nick in, George? By the way , he is well, isn't he? - Certainly, and he isn't in now, he is in London. - Oh, my best regards to him. Bye, George. - What is the name of your younger brother? - John. - Really? Fantastic, we both have a brother John by name. - Well, John is such a popular name. - Where were you born? - In London. But my parents come from Manchester. - How interesting! I come from Manchester too. - Oh, it's a small world, isn't it? - Tom, who is this good-looking lady? - Oh, it's my sister. - And who is this pretty girl? - It's her elder daughter, my niece. - Well, you have such pleasant-looking relatives. - Thank you. Make up your own dialogue: - Вежливое приветствие - Выражение вежливости при первом знакомстве - Спросить как дела - Спросить имя/сколько лет……../ - Спросить откуда собеседник - ………….. - Вежливо поблагодарить/попрощаться/пожелать что-то на дорожку