People say the change of style compared to PRINCE OF PERSIA The Sands of Time™ is too radical. Is it intentional? What would you answer them? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 4) People say the change of style compared to PRINCE OF PERSIA The Sands of Time™ is too radical. Is it intentional? What would you answer them?
And yes, we knew that - given the success of Prince of Persia The Sands of Time™- some people would be reluctant to see so many changes in Prince of Persia Warrior Within™. But it’s our philosophy: we want to take risks; we don’t want to give fans just ‘more of the same’. Some brands do this: their sequels offer just more maps and a couple of new moves … it’s not our choice. We want to do this additional effort in order to surprise them and gain their respect and faith. It’s true that, in the past months, we’ve communicated a lot on the more hard-rock music, to really show the new mood of the game, but as I said above, gamers have to know that in-game, they will have the same proportion of hard-rock music and of atmospheric / exotic music, as we really want to please our fans and also new gamers ! To those who think we are going too far, I say: play the final game, get the whole picture, and then, do not hesitate to send us your feedback on forums, that’s the best way to help us improve ! J 5) Do you find that working on a game is different from working on a film or a piece of music that's meant to be the focus of attention? It's different in a way that movies are linear and you know what will happen and when it will happen but in videogames the player controls what will happen in some way. He will be the one triggering the events trough the adventure so the goal is to place music events in his possible paths to support what is happening at this point in his adventure.