


Случайная статья

Click to watch the video. Circle the correct verb. Choose the correct colours and fill in the sentences. Choose the correct word in the left box in front of the word. Unscramble the words in brackets. Match the words to their definitions writing the numbe


1. Click to watch the video

(Or use this link: http://youtu.be/_Gg8sCy3pOM)

2.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

rainbow / and / Go / your / follow ____________________________
end / it / to / end / from / travel ____________________________

3. Circle the correct verb

Go watch seejust what awaits you

in the colors of the beams it sends posts.

4. Choose the correct colours and fill in the sentences

£ £ £ £ £ £
£ £ £ £ £  

The ________ and ________, the _________ and __________

_________, _________ and ________.

5.Fill in the missing verbs

There ______ every color God _______ made

all you ________ ever ___________, or even ________!

6. Choose the correct word in the left box in front of the word

God's paint £ brushes£pencils dipped in colors

mixed and £ stirred £ blended until just right.

7.Unscramble the words in brackets

Then He places a ____________ (obiawrn) after every storm

each one, for mankind's hearts _____________ (hietgld).

8. Number the colours of the rainbow from 1 to 7 in the correct order.

___ Indigo
___ Green
___ Orange
___ Violet
___ Red
___ Yellow
___ Blue

9. Match the words to their definitions writing the number of the definition in the box.

    green 1. The colour of the sky
    blue 2. The darkest colour
    red 3.The colour of grass
    black 4. The colour of the sun
    yellow 5. The first colour of the rainbow

          SUCCESS !!


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