BIBLIOGRAPHY⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 17 из 17 Selected sources:
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Signe Anita Fuchs Signe Anita Fuchs is academic painter, and his PhD historian and geographer. Since her youth, she is fascinated by the Celtic mythology, which also led to look closely into the Irish - to deal Gaelic language. By 2012, she published in e-book format "The Ancient People" and "With Harp and Sword," two historical novels from the Celtic era, as well as "The Powers of Annwn," a paraphrase of the Mabinogi, the collection of Welsh mythology , which are available in German language since 2013 by Amazon Create Space as paperbacks.
The text is brief, organized systematically, easily comprehensible and therefore for students, researchers and all interested readers alike well suited. Formularende Formularende