The Female Century (International Women’s Day) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The Female Century (International Women’s Day) 1. Watch the first part of the video (0:00 – 4:05 min) and tick the names of the women mentioned there. Angela Merkel Elizabeth II Marie Curie Valentina Tereshkova Anna Frank Rosa Parks Princess Diana Michelle Bachelet Queen Victoria Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Charlotte Bronte Shirin Ebadi Madeleine Albright Hillary Clinton Simone de Beavoir Michelle Obama Sandra Day O’Conner Catherine II Margaret Thatcher 2. Watch the video again and match the halves of the sentences.
1. Angela Merkel; 2. Marie Curie; 3. Michelle Bachelet; 4. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; 5. Madeleine Albright; 6. Sandra Day O’conner; 7. Valentina Tereshkova; 8. Anna Frank; 9. Rosa Parks; 10. Simone de Beavoir; 11. Shirin Ebadi; 12. Margaret Thatcher.
A. was the first woman who received a Noble Prize in chemistry and physics. B. was the author of the Anna Frank’s Diary; C. was the author of the book The Second Sex. D. got arrested for refusing to give p her seat for a white passenger on a bus; E. became the first woman in space; F. was the UK first Prime Minister; G. was the first judge of the US Supreme Court; H. was the first female US Secretary of State; I. the first female Muslim woman who received the Noble Peace Prize; J. was the first female President of an African Country; K. is Germany’s first female chancellor; L. was the first Chili’s female President 3. Decide if the statements are True or False.
1. In 1910 women over 70 countries decided at the Second International Socialism Women’s Congress in Copenhagen to to vote for an International Women’s Day to promote women’s rights everywhere in the world. 2. International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March. 3. Marie Curie discovered two new chemical elements. 4. Valentina Tereshkova is a Russian cosmonaut. 5. Anna Frank’s Diary is a book about a Polish girl who was in Holocaust during the Second World War. 6. In 2011 three women from Africa received the Noble Peace Prize for their non-violence struggle, for safety of women and women’s rights. 7. Nowadays women hold less than 1/6 of the positions in the national governments.