VIDEO ENGLISH 5/ LOVE. Part I: Vocabulary. Exercise 2: Match the word in box A with the ones in box B to make as many new words as possible. Part II: Conversation. Stand up, go and talk to one of your classmate that you do not usually talk to him/ her. Us
Part I: Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Rank the picture in the right order
Exercise 2: Match the word in box A with the ones in box B to make as many new words as possible
| | B
| Love puppy wedding honey best bride engagement blind
| Birds date day letter moon ring cake ceremony man seat sick maid affair bite love vow
Part II: Conversation
Stand up, go and talk to one of your classmate that you do not usually talk to him/ her. Use the following questions to guide you
- Have you ever been in love? How did you feel?
- How long have your parents been in married?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Money can buy love. Do you agree?
- Describe your ideal partner ( Mr(s). Right)?
Part III: Video watching
Exercise 1: Watch the first part of the video about a man called Chris Medina and answer the following questions
- Where is Chris from?
- How old is he?
- How long have Chris and Juliana been engaged?
- What was their promise?
- When did Juliana get an accident?
- What happened to Juliana after the accident?
- Who are Juliana’s care takers?
Exercise 2: Watch the song “What are words” that Christ sang for his wife Juliana and fill in the gaps
Anywhere you are, I am near Anywhere you go, I'll be there Anytime you (1) ........................................., you'll see How every single (2) ......................................... Cuz what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most
Chorus: What are words If you really (3)........................................ When you say them What are words If they're only for good times Then they don't When it's love Yeah, you say them (4)......................................... Those words, They never go away They (5) ........................................., even when we're gone
And I know (6) ......................................... was sent just for me And I know I'm meant to be where I am And I'm gonna be Standing right beside her tonight And I'm gonna be by your side I would never leave when she needs me most

Anywhere you are, I am near Anywhere you go, I'll be there And I'm gonna be here forever more Every single promise I keep Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
I'm (7) ......................................... keeping my angel close
~~ Designed by Tuyen Le ~~