Topic: « National - patriotic education of primary school children by means of arts - crafts»Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Topic: « National - patriotic education of primary school children by means of arts - crafts» INTRODUCTION One of the most effective means of emotional sphere, imaginative thinking and emotional-valuable attitude to children is environmental art. As pointed known educator Vasily Sukhomlinsky "Everything beautiful that exists in the outside world and man for others, should touch the heart of the child and elevate it." Art has always been an important means of spiritual and practical development of the world. Throughout history it reflected the complex and contradictory moral problems of society and the individual. Thus it manifests itself not a passive observer, but an active creator of the child's personality, dignity and happiness. Works of art are directed not only to the development of the child "under the laws of beauty", but under the laws of goodness, humanity and justice. The originality of art is that it has the ability to experience the true moral meaning of important social problems and contradictions before they begin to perceive others forms of social consciousness. With artistic and imaginative means it fixes these problems and brings them to the spiritual life of society. In the modern system of aesthetic education in the fine arts, along with academic education there is a strong development of teaching many areas of arts and crafts. A large number of students of art schools and art schools of aesthetic education departments willing to learn the traditions of folk art acquainted with the artistic process arts and crafts today.Experience in the educational process shows that ethnic and cultural identity formation has great influence production of toys, articles on the subject of folk and religious holidays. Engaged in manufacturing of products, students gain knowledge of national culture, they have formed emotional - valuable attitude to his native land, people, family and culture. The comprehensive development of human beings and the formation of national identity is the main goal of the concept of humanization and humanization of education, proclaimed the official national education program "Ukraine XXI century". On the education of the individual in the spirit of love for the motherland and awareness of their civic duty on the basis of national spiritual values, combined with the universal question and the laws of Ukraine "On Education". The concept of general art education developed according to the Law of Ukraine "On General Secondary Education" and is based on the provisions of the Concept of secondary education (12-year-old school) and aimed at implementing the National doctrine of education development in Ukraine. The concept takes into account the creative processes of contemporary culture in Ukraine, formed on the basis of centuries-old home. The question of national education for many years interested many famous scientists, educators, philosophers, psychologists, and writers, prominent figures of culture and art. But the problem concerned such prominent figures as Mr. Frying, and Frank, B. Grinchenko Rusova C, D Vashchenko K Ushinsky, Berdyaev and others.An important role in the system of formation of national consciousness of students takes folk art, which uniquely integrates domestic, artistic, educational traditions (AN Vishnyakov, E. Horunovych, S. Didenko, A. Kovalev, S. Konovets etc.). [ 15]. In the famous Petrykivka school teacher V. Sokolenko, a proponent of teaching children painting from an early age, convinced of the feasibility of their implementation immediately paints a definition of colors and composition.Professor EA Antonovich, who worked on a lot of research in the field of decorative - applied art, recommends the consistent study Petrikivsky technology, development of skills through multiple execution elements until their thorough assimilation.A peculiar kind of Ukrainian folk art is decorative painting that best confirms the continuity of the formation of the individual and humanity. Analysis of educational research shows that the painting has an important place in the education of national consciousness in the modern primary schools (O. Batuhtina A. Hrabovska, E. Horunovych A. Gribovskaya, G. Cherry, L. Kalush, L. Sirchenko etc.). [18]. The development of creative abilities of students in the classroom of fine art - a folding educational process that promotes rapid growth of activity and cognitive activity of students. Weighty importance in development activity of students play educational interests, the formation of which is possible only in the process of artistic and creative activities where children appears proper cognitive attitude to work. We know that children of primary school age willing to tackle painting, using paints, gladly mold. The work of daring, emotional, but sketchy. Children do not transmit depth, real proportions of objects, their location in space. But their pictures are sincere, direct. These qualities give the children's fine art unusual charm and give reason to regard as a kind of children's artwork.The children in the early school years immediately perceive folk art forms and imaginative play environment. Fairy-tale characters, fantastic images, full of creative imagination of folk art masters, attracted their attention, cause alive interest inherent in allowing them to experience art form and to understand the beauty of nature and human relationships. In the early school years folk art has an important place in the world of the child. In their drawings children follow the centuries-old cycle of accumulation fund graphic arts and folk art, ranging from simple lines to the conventional image of surrounding objects, plants, birds, animals, and then - to the image of man. As rightly observes Yu Velichko, it "is not a repetition of stages creativity, and again to experience and" initial "state of the art and figurative relationship to reality" [28]. National art, as most available to children should serve as a basis for teachers, as a starting point. National art is the beginning of the path from which the child has to go in multi mode world of art, world culture. It is therefore appropriate to make the most of educators to ensure students completeness thrills and raising awareness of the artistic heritage of their people. In class, students become acquainted with the best samples of Ukrainian folk arts and crafts, exploring patterns build themselves up patterns and colors selected for the decoration of various items. In works of decorative art is evident love for the motherland, vitalising power of observation. Decorative painting lessons students develop especially if conducted with matching visual aids with authentic samples of work. Decorative painting as one of the effective means of emotional impact on the formation of creative activity of younger schoolboys stands methodological tool technology education and fine arts are an integral part of professional development students develop their creative personality.Original branch of Ukrainian art is Petrikivsky, as a form of Ukrainian folk painting. The works in the art of decorative painting - a world of beauty and fantasy, poetical comprehension of surrounding nature, as in the paintings of people covered their dreams, moods, their worldview. Pictures Petrikivsky embody poetry, philosophy and sense of beauty of the people, which belonged in their earthly beauty of the world becomes sublime in the heavens, and turned into mortal life. From the works of masters introduce primary school children in the classroom with art. Use creativity Petrikivsky the lessons of the fine arts or specialized lessons to educate students with her creativity allows you to learn the creative artist holistically and learn the most important events in the life of the people.After this correspondence dating advisable to visit the Museum of Folk Art, featuring paintings by famous artists who are engaged Petrikivsky.Such forms of work develop in children a sense of beauty, interest in the cultural heritage of its people, imagination and ability. The works of decorative painting as if telling the world that its talented people as deeply as it developed aesthetic sense, which is favorable to his soul everything beautiful in the world. It is important to create interest children Petrikivsky, they awaken patriotic feelings and transmit cultural values of the next generation of its people. Thus, the art of decorative painting has great potential for development and education of primary school children, particularly for their national education turns connecting link between the cultural and historical experience of the nation and the individual, national broadcaster ideas, images, symbols, values, meanings, cultural historical experience, historical memory, worldview, values, ideals.The object of the study is national - patriotic education of primary school children in the educational process of the school.The subject of the research: content, forms and methods of national - patriotic education of primary school children in classroom art. The purpose of the study: to prove theoretically and experimentally verify the content, form and methods of national - patriotic education of primary school children in classroom art. Task: