Tag questions (question tags)_ c©u hái ®u«i
Tag questions (question tags)_ c©u hái ®u«i _C©u hái ®u«i ®îc thªm vµo cuèi mét c©u sau dÊu “ph¶y” .Trong c©u hái ®u«i chóng ta sö dông trî ®éng tõ , c¸c ®¹i tõ I, we, you, they, he, she, it, one ë phÇn l¸y l¹i. PhÇn l¸y l¹i lu«n lu«n ë d¹ng viÕt t¾t “n’t” *NÕu c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh (Positive sentence) th× trî ®éng tõ ë phÇn ®u«i phñ ®Þnh (negative tag). Positive sentence + negative tag He will be here soon, won|t he? They were very angry , weren|t they? You watched TV lastnight, didn|t you? *NÕu c©u phñ ®Þnh (negative sentence) ,trî ®éng tõ ë phÇn ®u«i kh¼ng ®Þnh(positive tag). Negative sentence+positive tag He won|t be late , will he?. They don|t like us, do they?. It isn|t your bag, is it? $. Mét sè trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt : _C©u ®Ò nghÞ rñ ai ®ã cïng lµm g×: Let|s +(not) + V …, shall we? Let|s listen to some music, shall we? - C©u xin phÐp : - Trong c©u ®Ò nghÞ gióp ®ì ai ®ã: - C©u b¾t ®Çu b»ng There, phÇn l¸y l¹i còng dïng there. _C©u mÖnh lÖnh: Do/don|t do smt, will you?.Open the door , will you?.Don|t be late, will you? _C©u mÖnh lÖnh :nh¾c nhë nguy hiÓm sÏ x¶y ra dïng (won’t you) Be careful with that dog, won’t you? _C©u : I am …, aren|t I?. I|m late, aren|t I ? - ë phÇn c©u cã c¸c tõ mang nghÜa phñ ®Þnh: never, seldom, rarely(hiÕm khi), hardly(khã mµ), nobody, none = no one, nothing, no, neither......th× phÇn ®u«i ph¶i ë thÓ kh¼ng ®Þnh She never gets angry, does she? No salt is allowed, is it? (§¹i tõ thay thÕ cho danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®îc lµ “it”) - ë phÇn c©u chñ ng÷ lµ c¸c tõ: anyone, anybody, no one, none, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, neither...th× ë phÇn ®u«i ta dïng ®¹i tõ “they” Someone tasted my coffee, didn’t they? - ë phÇn c©u chñ ng÷ lµ nothing, something, everything, this, that th× ë phÇn ®u«i ta dïng ®¹i tõ “it”. Everything will be all right, won’t it? - NÕu t©n ng÷ lµ c¸c ®¹i tõ t©n ng÷ phñ ®Þnh: nothing, nobody, no one, none of them, neither th× phÇn ®u«i ë kh¾ng ®Þnh You like nobody here, do you? She met no one at the party, did she? The teacher had no book, did he?