Is It Safe to Ship a Car During Pandemic?
Car Shipping With Covid 19 If you are wondering whether you can get car shipping amid the pandemic or not, then this guide will help you get the answer and also tell you what to do next. So make sure to read it till the end. Is It Safe to Ship a Car During Pandemic? Yes, it is totally safe to get a car transport service during the pandemic. All you need to do is follow a few precautions, SOPs as they say, and you’ll be just fine. The global pandemic is not going anywhere in the next three or four years; many experts agree on this. So this means we need to adjust our lives accordingly and manoeuvre safely around this virus. This is exactly what you will do when shipping your car. You will follow standard safety procedures that are known to keep people from getting infected, and that should be more than enough to move a car. Preparing Your Car Before Shipping During COVID19: The process is pretty simple, and you don’t really have to do anything besides following the regular steps for shipping a car. These include: · Getting your car checked by a mechanic for any leaking fluids, mechanical problems and lose parts · Getting it washed thoroughly from inside out · Emptying the fuel tank to keep it 1/3rd only (this reduces the car’s weight and your overall car shipping cost) · Removing any valuables from inside the car · Getting lots of pictures before handing the car over to the shipper and prepare an inspection report for leverage in case the vehicle gets damaged during the transport · Now, these are pretty much all the steps you need to take to prepare your car for shipping. The crucial part, where you will need to stay safe from the virus, comes next. Handing Over Your Vehicle to Car Shipper During COVID19: The virus is transmitted when you interact with another person who is infected with it. Since we cannot know who’s carrying the virus without lab tests or temperature checks, it is established to keep yourself always secure and away from people. Here are a few things to follow when handing over your car to the vehicle transport service provider. · According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), you need to keep your nose and mouth covered when in public or in close contact with someone outside. Therefore, wear a mask that at least has 3ply of fabric like those used by surgeons. · Maintain six feet of distance from the car transport carrier to ensure both of you stay safe from each other’s mouth and nasal fluids that go into the air when you talk or sneeze. These fluids carry the virus if someone is infected. · If possible, wear disposable gloves to ensure you don’t directly touch a surface that has the virus on it. This includes the pen you will be given by the carrier to sign the document or the document sheet itself. · Lastly, when you are done, throw away the gloves and the mask (if disposable) before entering the home, and as soon as you go inside, wash your hands with soap and sanitize the hands. Receiving Your Car After Delivery: When you receive your vehicle, follow all the precautions mentioned above for when you ship a car. However, there’s the addition of disinfecting it. And that is done by using a disinfectant spray and a wiping cloth. Wear a mask, and wear gloves and start from the exterior of the car, disinfect handles, doors, windshield, windows, roof, trunk and bonnet. Then move towards the interior and clean everything from the steering wheel to dashboard, gear, seats, inner door handles, and everything else. For More Information About Cross Country Vehicle Shipping, Vehicle Shipping Companies