Lecture 2. Stylistic differentiation of words in the English vocabulary. Colloquial words are those with tinge of informality, they cannot be used in formal speech. Several groups of colloquial words:
+ “nursery words”: tummy, dad, mommy;
+ phonetic contractions of auxiliary and modal words ( ‘ve, ‘d, ‘ll);
+ diminutives of proper names ( Polly, Johnny);
Slang – language of a highly colloquial type. It belongs to the subneutral part of vocabulary, slang words are used as intentional substitutes for neutral or elevated words or expressions. They possess humorous or derogatory connotations. Scholars often confuse the terms “slang” and “jargon”. The term “slang” refers to what is in common use, to what is employed under the circumstances by every English speaking person. Slang is general jargon (metaphor), a jargon universally spoken. The reason for appearance of slang is striving for novelty of expression; all denominations are replaced by original, more expressive ones. So, due to growing popularity and frequent usage, slang words cease to be fresh and become colloquial or even neutral. The loss of novelty brings about constant change in slang. Old and new words coexist for a while, which makes slang very rich in synonyms. Everyday notions which excite an emotional reaction can be expressed by many synonyms, up to 30 or 40 (food, money, sex). E.g. food = grub, chuck, chow, belly-timber; drugs: cocain = Lady Snow, Angel; heroin = Helen, Harry; money = jack, tin, splosh, spondulics, cash, slippery stuff, brass, oof. In slang we observe different figures of speech. Metaphor. upper story – head a fin – hand milkshakes – breasts of woman