Is there a park near your house? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
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Диалог «Park»
I am a sporty person, so I usually go jogging in the public park in the vicinity of my house. This large park was established decades ago with many different areas for different age groups and interests. People do all kinds of things there like playing badminton, having picnics, etc. I can spend more time at the park to get back to nature, or just simply sit on the grass and have a rest without being disturbed by noise or other trivial things. I’m a regular jogger who visits various parks for different running experiences. Running in the park is an exciting and refreshing experience. There are a large number of people from different age groups who are either exercising or running. Public parks are one of the common places where people can relax with their friends or loved ones. Public parks help people get close to nature, breathe fresh air and more importantly make them get away from all kinds of stress that the city life has. Green spaces help make people active. Local parks attract many people to go there as well as, provide a piece of mind to them. They encourage humans to grow more and more variety of trees, bushes, flowers and plants. Public parks make a city more stunning and admirable.
Is there a park near your house? Fortunately yes, my house is located near a large park with a wide variety of flowers and big trees, so it is an ideal place for me to stroll aroundand blow off some steamevery weekend.