Lord's Dec 2020 Message to the world: “Christmas is a Magical Garden!”Lord's Dec 2020 Message to the world: “Christmas is a Magical Garden!”
Almost 4 years ago, I met Brendan Greally, a new zealand kiwi on facebook. That day is Feb 6th 2017 on Monday. It was Brendan found and messaged me firstly. At those days, I joined many many Christian groups, and post Revelation explanations in these groups for Christian people to read. In one of the groups, Brendan was also there and saw my post and my name. When he saw me introduce Falun Dafa with Bible contents, he knew he found the right person. So, he messaged me on Feb 6th 2017. Brendon told me his master Chiang Yee wanted him to find me on FB and tell me very important message. One message was “There is No Sun rise up on Nov 19th”, and another important message was “The Creator is not Master Li Hongzhi, but Jesus Christ” . At the beginning I did not trust this guy who I never met, but I believed his words, especially about Falun Dafa. Another reason why I believed him was because I got a confirmation from Yves Rocher post card on the same day Feb 6th, with a big number on it “$19”. The confirmation was #19. Also on this day, I suddenly understood that Yves Rocher company with its post card was a tool for the Creator. It was in the Creator's hand to be used for a special mission. So, 2 days later, on Feb 8th I posted Brendan and my chatting on FB for all of you to know, that “The Sun will Not rise up on Nov 19th”. However, things were not like I thought, the physical Sun always rises up on Nov 19th in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. The Sun not shining is the Spiritual Sun in people's hearts, which is the Chinese Epoch Times. On Nov 19th 2019, the Epoch Times printing office in Hong Kong was burn by members from CCP. This was the real meaning for this prophecy given by Chiang Yee to Brendan, me and the world. Because the press machines were damaged in the fire, on that day there was no newspaper to be sent out. Hence, the Sun of Hope did not rise up on Nov 19th 2019. (To know about the press fire story: https://www.theepochtimes.com/masked-intruders-set-fire-to-hong-kong-epoch-times-printing-press_3150829.html#:~:text=Four%20masked%20men%20enter%20the%20Hong%20Kong%20Epoch,away.%20The%20whole%20incident%20lasted%20about%20two%20minutes. ) The chatting screenshots album is here :https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10206424888261432&type=3 The Yves Rocher post card photo is here :https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10206433331272502&type=3 Chiang Yee's prophecy was fulfilled. It was a message to Falun Dafa practitioners, from a Christian's mouth. Do you get more info from this prophecy???
» » » The following post cards are from year 2020. On this post card, the flower box is so beautiful. It calls me one word when I first time saw it in 2017: Heaven!!! That is the most thing I want, rather than the product. For this year's birthday, I received the same image post card with a surprise gift. The Lord is keeping remind me not to forget his love to me!! 😄 Most importantly!! The number changed!! It is $21, instead of $19 from 2017. Do you get its meaning??
post card for my birthday in 2020 » » » On Apr 10th 2017, the Yves Rocher post card was another very special message for me. It was the Lord's very important message, a big promise to me, that: