Look at the pictures and finish the sentences ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Choose the items you should do to stay healthy
Do sports regularly
Wear light clothes in bad weather
Walk in the open air a lot
Sleep less than 8 hours at night
Use a computer much
Eat vegetables and fruit
To stay healthy I should/ I shouldn’t
Look at the pictures and finish the sentences
What medical problems they might have?
Get a bump on the head- шишка на голове Catch a bad cold- простудиться Have a runny nose -сопли Break a leg/ tooth – сломать ногу, зуб Hurt one’s back- стукнуть спину If he drinks fizzy drinks a lot, he might feel sick and have a stomach ache
Match two parts of the sentence to give advice
Doctor: Well, what’s the matter with you, Mr. Grant? Patient: I don’t feel very well. I’ve got a headache and a runny nose. Doctor: Have you taken your temperature? What is it? Patient: Doctor! It’s 38.5. And I feel bad; I’ve got a sore throat. I feel more dead than alive. Doctor: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure everything will be all right. Let me examine you. Patient: Oh, I hate staying in bed and taking medicine. Doctor: Well, I think you’ve got flu (грипп) Patient: That’s too bad. Poor me. Doctor: Take it easy. It’s only flu. Stay in bed, take the medicine (лекарство) and stop worrying. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Cut down on (снизить) fizzy drinks and fatty products. Patient: Goodbye, doctor. Thanks a lot. Doctor: Goodbye, and cheer up.