Translate the texts.. Country-music5. Translate the texts. Country-music Сountry music is an American art form that gained worldwide appeal after World War II. Originally known as mountain music, country music grew from the folk music that was brought to North America by Anglo-Celtic settlers in the 1700s and 1800s. The music changed as it came in contact with ethnic music. It has many sources: traditional ballads, cowboy songs, Mexican music and the like. Sergey Sadov plays the unusual instrument with two signature stamps. He can often be met on Arbat which the most musical Moscow street is. Traditionally country musicians have been most proficient on stringed instruments. The violin was the most popular instrument on the frontier because of its easy portability. The guitar has long been a staple of country music bands and singers. Drums, pianos, and electrified instruments, used as early as the 1930s by Western swing bands, are heard on country recordings from the 1950s. Rap In the early 1970s, a Jamaican deejay known as Kool Herc moved to the Bronx in New York and introduced the musical innovations that developed into the popular music style known as rap. Rap acts used their music to take advantage of the political power of the spoken word. Among the earliest rap acts to make an overtly political statement was Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Their groundbreaking song ‘The Message' (1982) opened the door for the angry, militant rap of such performers as N.W.A. and Public Enemy, who recorded the landmark albums It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988) and Fear of a Black Planet (1990). These groups blurred the line between music and politics, using rap to speak directly of the rebellious mood of the disenfranchised.