Организационный момент. Основная часть урока. Сценарий мероприятия ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 1.Организационный момент 2.Основная часть урока Сценарий мероприятия CHARACTERS:
Присутствуют: истец, обвиняемые, секретарь, зрители, судьи. Secretary: All right, all rise, please. The Teen Сourt is now in session. Judges, take your seats. Well, and now sit down, please. Let’s start. The word is given to the judges. Senior Judge: Silence, please. Today we’ll try a case about smoking at school. First we’ll listen to the teachers, they are the plaintiffs. Then the word will be given to the defendants, they are the pupils. Both of them will be asked questions. Let’s start with the plaintiffs. The Court invites plaintiff No. 1. Take your place and introduce yourself. Plaintiff 1: Your Honor, my name is Anna Kotova. I’m a teacher of this school. Senior Judge: Mrs. Kotova, The Court warns you that you must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Plaintiff 1: I promise, Your Honor. Judge 1: You’ve filed a complaint against pupils of your school. Please, tell everything you know to the Court. Plaintiff 1: Your Honor, smoking is not allowed anywhere at school. Most pupils follow this rule; but some pupils don’t want to obey. The fact is that some pupils smoke at school, I’m sure. But they don’t want to confess it. Senior Judge: What do you mean? Plaintiff 1: One day I was passing by the boys’ room and noticed the smell of cigarettes. Then the door opened and these boys (points to the defendants) came out of the restroom. Judge 1: Did you see cigarettes in their hands? Plaintiff 1: No, Your Honor. But when I entered the toilet, I saw two cigarettes butts on the floor. Judge 1: Do you think that these boys left the cigarettes? Plaintiff 1: Yes, Your Honor. I’m sure they did. Judge 1: Thank you, plaintiff, you may take your seat. And now the Court invites the defendants. Defendant 1, take your place, please. The Court warns you that you must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Defendant 1: I promise to tell the truth, Your Honor. Judge 1: Introduce yourself. Defendant 1: Your Honor, my name is Gorbatova July. I’m a pupil of this school. I study in the 10th form. Judge 1: Defendant, the plaintiff says that she saw you in the toilet and there was a smell of cigarettes there. What can you say? Defendant 1: Your Honor, of course, she could see us near the restroom. All boys go there and maybe there was a smell of cigarettes. But it could be any boy of our school. Judge 1: Thank you, defendant, you may take your seat. And now the Court invites defendant 2. Take your place, please. The Court warns you that you must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Defendant 2: I promise to tell the truth, Your Honor. Judge 1: Introduce yourself. Defendant 2: Your Honor, my name is Vinogradov Maxim. I’m a pupil of this school. I study in the 10th form. Judge 1: Defendant, the plaintiff says that she saw you in the restroom and there was a smell of cigarettes there. What can you say? Defendant 2: Your Honor, first of all, I’d like to say that I don’t smoke at all. Besides, I don’t agree with our teacher. She says that she saw us near the restroom. But this is not a reason to blame us. She didn’t see us smoking; she didn’t see cigarettes in our hands. How can she prove that we were smoking? Plaintiff 1: Your Honor, I can prove it. Judge 1: Silence, please. Mrs. Kotova, what can you add? Plaintiff 1: Your Honor, I can prove it. I have a witness. It’s a teacher of our school. She can verify my words. Judge 2: The Court invites witness 1. The Court warns you that you must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Witness 1: I promise to tell the truth, Your Honor. Judge 2: Introduce yourself. Witness 1: Your Honor, my name is Mrs. Shegurova. I’m a teacher of music. Judge 2: Please, tell everything you know to the Court. Witness 1: The matter is my classroom is situated next to the boys’ restroom. During the last month I have had a problem. I could often smell the unpleasant smell of cigarettes. Judge 1: Tell us, witness, did you see these boys there? Witness 1: Yes, Your Honor, I often see these boys near the restroom. And every time they enter it, the smell of cigarettes begins and it gets worse and worse. I can’t stand it. Please, help us (nervously). Judge 2: You see, Mrs. Shegurova, I believe you. But the Court needs direct evidence. Did you see the boys smoking? Witness 1: Your Honor, personally I didn’t see it. But I have a witness, who saw these boys smoking. Senior Judge: OK, witness, you may take your seat. And now the Court invites witness 2. The Court warns you that you must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Witness 2: I promise to tell the truth, Your Honor. Senior Judge: Introduce yourself. Witness 2: Your Honor, my name is Mr.Fomin. I’m a new teacher of history. Senior Judge: Please, tell to the Court everything you know related to the case. Witness 2: Your Honor, I started working here two weeks ago and not all the students know me. But I saw these pupils smoking near the school several times. I told Mrs. Kotova about it. We had to do something. And she told me about her problem. So, we decided to make a plan. One day when the boys went to the restroom a few minutes later I entered the restroom too and saw them smoking. They were very surprised, because they didn’t expect to see me there. Judge 1: What did you do? Witness 2: I asked them to stop smoking. Judge 1: That’s enough. Everything is clear now. Well, defendants, what can you say now? Defendant 1: Well, we smoke. So what? It’s our life; it’s our body. We are free people. Defendant 2: I agree with my friend. I think everybody should decide for himself to smoke or not to smoke. Judge 1: Defendant, do your parents know that you smoke? Defendant 2: Yes, they do, Your Honor. My parents smoke, they know that I smoke and they don’t say anything. We are old enough to do what we want. Judge 2: But you’re not old enough to break the law. Defendant 2: What do you mean by breaking the law? Senior Judge: We mean that according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 87 Article 4 you can’t buy cigarettes until you’re 18. It’s against the law. Do you have anything to add? Defendant 2: But in Britain the law allows young people to smoke. I know it, we studied it at school in our English lessons. Judge 1: It’s good that you know British laws, but you live in Russia and you must follow Russian laws. Do you have anything to add? Plaintiff 1: Your Honor, I’d like to add. Smoking is harmful for other pupils. Why should they suffer? Judge 1: You’re right, Mrs. Kotova. I agree with you. Smoking in public places is forbidden by the law. Well, do you have anything to add, Plaintiffs? Plaintiffs: No, Your Honor. Judge 1: Defendants? Defendants: No, Your Honor. Judge 1: OK. The Court will recess to consider the sentence. Secretary: Will the Court please rise. The Judges leave the room. Secretary: Sit down, please. A few minutes later the Judges return. Secretary: All rise. Senior Judge: The Court is ready to pass its sentence. The Court acknowledges the defendants to be guilty of smoking in a public place. The Court explains that according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 87 Article 6 you mustn’t smoke in public places. It’s against the law. So, defendants, you’re guilty and deserve a punishment. You’re forbidden to smoke at school and anywhere else. Besides, the Court makes the following decision: during the next term you’ll have to organize meetings and read lectures to your schoolmates about the harm of smoking. Is this clear? Defendants: Yes, Your Honor. Judge 1: And remember, boys, smoking is very harmful to your health. We hope you’ll follow our advice and you’ll give up this habit. Well, the case is closed. The Court is adjourned. 3.Заключительный этап 4.Домашнее задание: Упр.3 стр.137(номер 1)-письменно)
What other problems would you suggest for discussion in Teen Court?
1) Write a list of problems you would like to discuss.