Talk about one of your duties at work11. Talk about one of your duties at work 1. what do you have to do? 2. do you enjoy it? 3. why does it need to be done? 4. how often do you have to do it?
12. Talk about a member of your family you are closest with 1. who are they? 2. how often do you get together? 3. what do you usually do together? 4. what attracts you to this person?
13. Talk about a happy childhood memory 1. what happened? 2. where was it? 3. how old were you? 4. did it happen again?
14. Talk about a television or radio programme that you like 1. how often do you watch it / listen to it? 2. what makes it interesting? 3. who presents it? 4. are there programmes like this in other channels?
15. Talk about an item of clothing you often wear 1. why do you like it? 2. where did you get it? 3. what other clothes do you combine it with? 4. what does it say about your personality?
16. Talk about a book / film you have read / seen more than once 1. what is it about? 2. who wrote it / who stars in it? 3. what appeals to you in it?